Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Telephone, Argument

02/08/2012 12:36 pm
Can't say I blame Buffy for being wary, maybe she doesn't feel strong enough to defend herself and Spike against the expected criticism, but she's right about needing to run her own life.  Contacting Dawn makes the most sense but if Dawn's hasn't done some much needed growing up , all bets are off.
Yeah, it's really hard to strike a balance between total dependence on your friends and total independence from them.  Buffy hasn't really figured out that the middle ground is possible, much less that it's something to aim for.  That's where Spike comes in.

02/08/2012 02:38 am

Hmm.  I'm not sure who I agree with here.  Buffy is really showing some strength by not talking to them and not relying on their opinions.  However, in a way, she isn't, because she is't really saying "No, I have a different opinion," she's simply not giving them an opportunity to voice theirs at all, so she doesn't have to actually disagree with them. 
However, Spike is sort of doing the same thing - pushing her to so something she doesn't watnt to to.  Is he, therefore, any better than her friends?  They are trying to control her out of love for her as well, aren't they? 
I do happen to think she needs to talk to Dawn, at least - if only to tell her that she's OK and just needs some time to process.  Dawn hasn't shown the same controlling tendencies as the rest of the Europe contingent of Scoobies.  Of course, if Dawn was in on keeping information from Buffy, that's going to be REALLY bad, but it doesn't really strike me as very likely. 

You make some really good points, and they tell me that what I was trying to convey came across well.

Buffy has a hard time seeing that there is another option besides the two her black-or-white vision gives her.  She needs to understand that there's a middle ground between shutting her friends out completely, and letting them utterly steamroll and manipulate her.  It's not either/or, and she still needs help figuring that out.  Likewise she has some funny ideas about what it means to be strong, or to be independent, and needs to work on those concepts too.

Spike's point of view is primarily that of a person who needs, needs, needs to belong and to care for the people around him.  He's just lost everyone from Angel's crew and can't imagine taking friends or family for granted, which is how he's interpreting Buffy's behavior.  He's trying to encourage Buffy to adopt that middle ground, where she lets her friends in but doesn't defend her every choice to them.

Does Buffy want to do this?  No, of course not.  Denial is her ocmfort zone, after all.  But does she need to?  Spike has always understood her at least as well as she understands herself, and far better than the Scoobies are known for understanding Buffy at all.  There's a reason he was getting those messages that "she needs you", and most of that reason is showing up right here.

Thanks for a great review!

02/07/2012 10:30 pm
There are some really great B/S scenes where Buffy's inexpressiveness and insensitivity, and Spike's defensiveness, play into one another to create a massive pile-up...and then, there are scenes like this one, in which you finds the right words to express all her doubts, and his perceptiveness and gift for words mesh like heaven.  This is one of the best examples of the latter I've read, and I've been reading a lot of BtVS fanfiction over the years.  Thanks. :)
Saggit, wow.  I'm really honored that you would say something like that. Thanks so much.

...I was going to address your point about the scene itself, but I'm too busy glowing.

02/07/2012 09:58 pm

Stonking update. If we needed proof Spike was really back, we have it now and he's not even upto full strength yet. Buffy needs someone to tell her how it is and sometimes make her face her fears. Luckily Spike'll be happy to face them with her. Wonder what Dawn's upto...Loved it.

Yup.  And now you know why Buffy needs Spike and the way in which he is her other half.  Glad you enjoyed!