Ties That Bind by Rain
Chapter: 2

So good. :-)
06/25/2010 06:56 pm

06/17/2006 10:29 pm
9: grrrr again at buffy! so mean to him!! wasn't she always, though? excellent chapter

06/17/2006 10:24 pm
8: grrr! mad at buffy! come on, girl, you were as into that as he was!!! on to the next chapter :)

06/17/2006 10:19 pm
7: wow...that was so heart-rendingly powerful...very intense, you could feel their fear of losing each other..beautifully done :)

06/17/2006 05:21 am
6: very sexy, love these two and their bickering...and poor spike is lost as usual to the slayer's ... er... charms... lol :)