The Vamp Around the Corner by Rebcake
Chapter: Chapter 1

05/16/2024 12:48 pm

01/09/2013 12:44 pm
Hmm.  This is interesting.  Vamp, right?  No tingles for Biuffy?
Heh. I get this a lot, but I've got to say that Buffy's tinglies are largely a thing found only in fic, not so much on the show. In the very first episode, Giles tells her she ought to have them, but she uses other means to identify the vamp in the room — his (carbon) dated outfit. She also doesn't notice Angel is a vamp in months of association. This Buffy is a bit more all-business, and hasn't had a chance to pal around with any vamps. Things move fast in LA...

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie!

01/08/2013 07:59 pm

I like it, hope to read more.

And more you shall have! The next chapter is up, with the conclusion going up tomorrow. Thanks for commenting!

01/08/2013 01:48 pm
Original and intriguing. More please.
Sure thing! I'll put up the next chapte later today. Thanks for the kind comment. I always like to be original! And intriguing! ;-)

01/08/2013 03:03 am

Cute story - this is how they rope you - first its the laundry, then the homecooked meal, and the sexy neighbor and the next thing you know ...

Hee! You're so right! It must all be part of Joyce's nefarious plan to spend time with her daughter! Thanks for the kind words.

01/08/2013 01:36 am
TextI like it a lot! So far sounding good.
Oh, good! I will put up another chapter tomorrow, never fear!