The Vamp Around the Corner by Rebcake
Chapter: Chapter 2

06/07/2018 07:00 am
Always love reading works with Spike having money in contrast to his poverty stricken Sunnydale life mode.  Buffy and this totally accepting family of her Slayer life is a wonderful change from the series.  
I'm on the fence about whether I like Spike to have money in fic.  If it makes him a "perfect boyfriend", then it's a little much. However, in this fic, he's more likely to reason things out and less impulsive, so it seemed to me that he'd take advantage of the Treasure of Amara, at the very least. Especially as he's trying to live an integrated life. It's hard to blend in if you're squatting in a crypt.

I really wanted to explore a more emotionally healthy Buffy, and it seemed to me that having support from her family (and a less neglectful dad) were key to making that happen. Spike is the one with grief and abandonment issues, but I believe Buffy can help him out with that.

01/09/2013 11:56 am
I'm wondering whether Buffy staked Angel in L.A. which might explain why he looks familiar and Spike now has no family. That wouldn't explain what happened to Drusilla though, and who killed the Master as Buffy was in L.A. instead of Sunnydale. As we have Dawn, does that mean that Glory is hanging about somewhere? And I don't remember you mentioning Buffy's watcher. I have lots of questions...
Whoops, Spike's given himself away in a similar fashion to Angel in canon. What's Buffy going to do now?
All will be revealed in the next chapter, going up today. Well, all except the Glory business, as this story cuts away before she makes her appearance. As for the lack of Watcher, Buffy rather firmly fired the Council after her Cruciamentum, and has been going it alone-ish for a couple of years. (That's because they sent Wesley instead of Giles. Can you blame her?)

Thanks for commenting! I'm pleased that the story is making you wonder...but I do hope you aren't left wondering anything else by the end!