Scars by JamesMFan
Chapter: Clarity

03/21/2010 08:44 am
I just love the way you write dialogue.  It is so sharp and snappy!

08/09/2006 04:47 am
oh he's so gone...he just doesn't know it yet...same goes for her... :) great chapter :)

04/14/2006 03:29 am
and the plot thickens... lovely! is it bad that now I keep seeing scenes from Secretary. giggles I kieep seeing this happening in my head and it is so fascinating!

03/26/2006 05:02 pm
I was wondering if they’d tried magic, it’s a shame it didn’t work at all. And WOW was Spike bold in this chapter! Appearing in her room, basically undressing her, massaging the gel into her skin and then showing her just how touching her affected him… just awesome. Great chapter.