Come Back to Me by SpikesDeb
Chapter: Love Me

10/08/2006 08:30 am
What a powerful claim. Angelus didn't plan on that did he? Really feeling sorry for Giles, he knows what evil feels like same as Willow and I'm surprised that he's lasted as long as he has, feeling it all around him. Wonderful read, thanks SD.
I just had to let them make a claim, because it's just the right thing to do. And Giles - he was damaged by the Angelus incident beyond what he shows, I think. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

02/26/2006 03:28 am
hope that chaps angel's ass.
Hee! Angel's ass is toast...:)


02/26/2006 03:10 am
wow...thats so just hope they can stop angel in time :
Thank you. :)