Saving Grace by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Retribution

12/09/2005 06:21 pm
awesome fic! Go Dawn! Dear Santa, Please take Spike's Chip out...I've been a very good girl this year. -Zoe
lol...guess you were a good girl :)

11/23/2005 03:28 am
Dang, Dawn is looking wayyyy scary. I hope this doesn't kickback on her or Spike. They need to get that chip out so he can't be controlled ever again. Look forward to seeing what comes next.
thanx for review, you're right about that chip :)

11/22/2005 06:08 pm
Oh, dear. I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but Dawn's interference could backfire in a bad way. Will be avidly waiting for more. Thanks.
you're not too far off ;) thanx for review :)

11/22/2005 02:51 pm
Go Dawnie! I so can't wait to see what she comes up with! Awesome chapter, as always! -Lisa
thanx for review :)

11/22/2005 02:29 pm
OMG--where was Anyanka so many years ago when I needed her? *sob*...I hope that Spike gets it together, or Dawnie does it for him and wishes something really heinous and fitting for that bastard Warren...something bloody and awful...fitting for the prick....BTW, great update...
oh it will definitely be fitting... he will get what he deserves...thanx for review ;)

11/22/2005 09:56 am
Holy Damn! I knew Dawn could be scary and is good at it, but damn! That is awesome. I love the Anya/Spike and Anya/Dawn interactions. I really can't wait to see what sort of things Dawn is planning to do. And I'm curious to see what Buffy and even Spike's reactions will be to this. Very interesting. Great update. Can't wait for more.
should be interesting :) thanx for review :)

11/22/2005 09:24 am
ahhhhh....there's my fix! How on earth do you do it? Every time I think that there is no way you can make it any better or keep me scrambling for even more, you go and do it! Woo Hoo Dawn! Oh...can she wish to be a brain surgeon for a night, with prison clearance so she can put Spike's chip in Warren and just zap him at random intervals for the next decade or so?
hmm....that would be one creative way of doing it :) thanx for review

11/22/2005 08:10 am
Ohhh bad ass that should be fun.
oh trust me it will be ;)