Saving Grace by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Alone in the Dark

11/29/2005 04:07 pm
Oh man ... I have the shivers at the end of this chapter. There are so many tightly wound emotions that it just kicks you and kicks you hard. I'm glad that Ch. 26 is up now too. I'm running there as soon as I send this to see what happens next.
thanx so much, so glad i could touch you with the story...thanx for review :)

11/29/2005 09:12 am
well you've done it. You've gone and left me beyond words. Such a perfect way to do this. And so heartbreakingly touching on both sides
thanx so flatter me... xander needed to really see it for himself to understand

11/29/2005 06:16 am
Such exquisite vengeance to make Xander do it completely alone. I hope Spike takes some of Buffy's blood soon. He's beginning to worry me; he's acting like an elf that wants to fade. More story please.
yes...spike had no support through it, so neither can xander...the elf comparison is quite accurate actually...after all that it would almost be easier to just fade out and escape it all....

11/29/2005 12:33 am
Have I told you how amazing this story is? I LOVE it! Soooo cannot wait to find out what happens next and thank you for the amazingly quick updates!!
thanx so much, glad you are enjoying it :)

11/29/2005 12:06 am
Wow! That was incredibly powerful. Xander is finally starting to get it. Wonderful update! -Lisa
thanx so much...glad you enjoyed it :)

11/28/2005 10:05 pm
Love this chapter, it's so good to read about Xander and how he is made to feel Spikes pain.
its the only way he'd ever understand :(

11/28/2005 10:05 pm
I think that you broke me...I cried through the entire chapter, and I think that the next one will be even worse...Oh, God, how can they handle the anguish? Will Xander be able to finally understand? Please update soon...
that's the point of this whole make him understand... glad you are enjoying it :)