The Path Less Traveled by DizzyB
Chapter: Section II - Backdrops & Props

Cool. So wish it was a finished work. :-)
05/08/2010 03:38 am

10/16/2007 08:57 am
very powerful read, thank you. the maturity of the characters is wonderful. (well maybe not buffy.) but the evil author bring in joyce and ending the chapter, that is another matter entirely. thank s again for the great read.

09/04/2007 09:14 am
Excellent chapter. My heart went to Buffy. It must have been so hard to face Dawn. I'm not sure I would have had to courage myself after being rejected by her sister the way she was. Like I said before, always loved Buffy, always will, no matter her faults. In fact, I find Dawn's attitude a little... extreme? Just a tad. I'm glad things turned out so well for Wes. He deserves it. And so does Spike. It's nice to see Spike surrounded by love. Especially after the way the Scoobies treated him. Connor's rescue was great. Loved it.

10/12/2006 02:49 am
I love that Buffy found friendship with Anya. The family unit that Dawn, Wes, and Spike formed is great as is the addition of Faith. What a change Connor not being poisoned by Holtz will be as will Angle and Cordy already admitting there feelings. I like how well you have stayed with the original story line while showing the changes brought about because of Dawn and Spike being in LA.
I always felt that the show was more angsty than was necessary in several instances - Connor being taken to Quortoth and coming back hating Angel was a big one. I'm glad you like the way this is going. Thanks for taking the time to comment. :)

10/11/2006 03:38 pm
Wow, anothr really great chapter with lots of action and progress. Love your Wes and Faith. What next?
I'll admit that I'm having lots of fun writing Wes & Faith together. Read on to see what comes next. Hope you continue to enjoy! Thanks for reviewing. :)

10/11/2006 12:49 pm
May? in peace, Tara.

Ten years????? OMG....

Still want Buffy to suffer horrible pain. She's so self-absorbed, except for now with Anya, I guess, that it makes me sick. I hope she ultimately leaves our little group alone, because all that girl brings with her is pain.

Good for Anya, though. She always deserved more than she'd been given credit for. Respect, love, acceptance...she tried her best to be part of things and learn and grow, and even Xander never gave her acknowledgement for how far she came. Now as a vengeance demon again, she's got her old confidence back, and that's good to see.

I'm expecting Willow and Xander to probably be very close, maybe reignited old feelings while they were gone. It happens to people removed from home together. I always wanted to see Giles with Anya more than Xander, anyway, after watching Tabula Rasa.

Yay! Connor's back home, and Angel can finally start healing. And forgiving. And the boy was saved from Holtz as a baby - Hallelujah! He and Cordy are together...very happy about that, too.

Faith has been brought into the home - awesome. Knew that Wes would see the grown-up version of her as a major babe. Those two had great chemistry on Angel, whatever was going on. So happy for Faith to have a home - first time ever.

OMG - Joyce came to Spike in a dream, from the Powers? Whoa...and now they have to deal with the First. Oh, crap!! Hee hee, Spike...if you loved Dru that much for a hundred years, why would ten make you not feel for Buffy? Just not how you're made, buddy. Feel sorry for you there, though.
The time differences threw you for a minute, didn't they? I loved what that one detail allowed me to do with my characters and their relationships. Glad you seem to like the individual story lines so much. Anya was always one of my faves - love that girl's honesty. Curious to see what you think of Xander & Willow when I do re-introduce them. Having lots of fun with Wes & Faith, which is so radically different from the misery each of them experienced on the show. You're not the first person (no pun intended) that commented on how the dream sequence was foreshadowing The First, and I honestly don't know where that's coming through. I hated the whole storyline with The First and I promise that will not be part of my story, but seriously...what's suggesting that to people? :P

10/11/2006 11:23 am
What was great! Angel has Connor back and Faith and Wesley seem to be hitting it off. Very glad that Buffy was so terribly uncomfortable around them all, she still has a lot to pay for. Not a big fan of fics with POV's but I'm really enjoying this one. Spike doesn't have much of a chance to say no when Joyce is asking for help. Excellent Fic, thanks for the read.
Thanks for taking the time to review each section. I really appreciate the attention to detail. Hope you like where I'm going with this. :)

06/03/2006 05:10 pm joyce entering the picture...another excellent chapter, very engaging and moving ... love every last bit of it...standing out to me is anya's and buffy's friendship...awesome and incredible! great chapter :)
I always thought Anya and Buffy should be friends. They're both strong women and should have connected at that level long ago. Thanks for the review! :)

12/26/2005 04:41 am
That's one hell of a cliffhanger there >:(
Hopefully the next chapters will leave you wanting also. If not, then I'm obviously not doing my job. Thanks for taking the time to review. :)