From These Seeds by pfeifferpack
Chapter: Chapter 6

03/20/2008 04:07 pm
Uh-huh,i didn't like it. Did you really have to do this?
I thought it was necessary.  k

09/25/2006 07:52 am
awwwwwwwwwwwww poor spike.

02/25/2006 09:46 pm
Oh hell not Spuffy bonding, Angel is gonna get it :P
Angel will not get out of this one like he did on screen. K

01/03/2006 06:40 am
Now that was a pretty powerful and gripping chapter. Angelus is all ass, rude, obnoxious, cruel, and disgusting. Spike stood his ground to the end, even from the chair. Well written chapter especially because of the subject matter.
Thank you. I wanted no question as to how low Angelus not only would go but likely did go in William's early years. Buffy needed to be made aware and I wanted a real bond to exist between Buffy and Spike that this would create. K