What You Wish For by pfeifferpack
Chapter: Chapter 5

03/07/2008 12:27 am
Teenage Spuffy flirtages=:D:D:D
I love this story:)
Thank you!  They were all fun before they got cynical.  k

12/15/2007 12:24 am
OH I bet she does.
Thanks. k

12/08/2007 07:48 pm
I usually found the age difference between Angel and Buffy very difficult to accept - but having this Spike from the future, with a potential relationship between the two at this stage of her life easier to accept - Not that you are going that way with your story but it is an interesting concept to follow - see what the moral implications of age difference are dealth with -

Enjoying this story very much so far - like your treatment of the characters.
Thank you! Yes, I was hesitant to go with a physical relationship. Buffy was quite young at this point and like you I had trouble dealing with Angel getting physical with her when it aired. I tried to be delicate but in character with the pair. k

05/15/2006 02:43 pm
xander's a jerk!! and spike's not far behind him at the moment...he's gonna get this whole act worked up and then he's gonna be in trouble when he doesn't know how to get out of it when he wants to...typical spike plan *sigh* wonderful story though :)

04/25/2006 02:11 pm
ooo Spike's evil!*sniggers*
Vampire, remember *G*. K

03/23/2006 03:20 am
Leave it to Xander to be an ass yet again. Cute to see the Buffy and Spike interaction when she doesn't know who he is. Oh how things would hvae been different if they had met under different circumstances than the show. I love it.
If they had met before Buffy hardened her heart (and the scoobies were devastated by Angelus) they might have had aan easy time IMHO. Thanks. K

02/12/2006 07:02 am
That was brilliant. Buffy actually being all young and coy and Spike playing off that as well as being utterly charmed by it at the same time. A marvelous chapter.
Thank you. Young Buffy had all the traits Spike always loved without all the heart armour. Thanks. K

01/11/2006 06:08 am
Is Xander a complete arse or what :P
Yes isn't he usually! The boy has issues. K

01/11/2006 03:18 am
I LOVE Buffy's awkwardness in this chapter! It really went with how Buffy really was in chapter 1. and I love you for posting htis all at once!
Thanks! It is still a WIP but will be all donw by next week so I decided to put these 7 chapters out now. Buffy was so different before she kept getting left for her own good! K