On the Dial of Time by just_sue
Chapter: 5

01/13/2008 07:12 pm
Oh, that was heart breaking.

01/13/2008 03:33 pm
“I’m not him. I’m not the one you loved.”

Oh, my heart is breaking for poor Spike; cant' wait to see what happens next; you weave a beautiful story
Thank you! And you say the kindest things. BFN!

10/20/2006 09:23 am
oh wow...how very intensely you've written this...poor spike...i wonder how they'll deal with this new development, and i honestly dont feel like that was the best way for her to break that to him...great chapter, ,btw :)

06/11/2006 06:00 am
Oh, how heartbreaking. This sweet soul, that's already fallen in love with her, now understands where her affection for him comes from. Poor tender Spike.

02/24/2006 04:09 pm
Such torture that "this" Spike is enduring knowing how much Buffy loved "her" Spike. Excellent chapter.
Thanks. There is no way that the 'new' Spike can go without knowing about the 'original' Spike.

02/03/2006 12:48 pm
oh poor spikey - and just like rupert to send out wet ops teams without first finding out what the heck is going on... GRRR I am really enjoying this story and now anxiously racing to the next chappie!
LOL! I should be walking the dog but feel it would be rude to disappear when you are reading so voraciously! Thank you for your kind reviews.

02/02/2006 11:02 pm
OMG! Great update! I didn't expect that to be Spike's reaction to the journals but I am delighted to see another update so I am on to read as to how Buffy reacts to his admission!
Thank you! I just poped on before going to bed and there you were! Am happy to have surprised you... but surprised that I did!

Thanks for reviewing and am off to answer your next one now! BFN

02/02/2006 08:30 pm
Fantastic chapter! It was an interesting twist that William visited the cottage as a boy. I feel so bad for Spike right now. I'm really looking forward to find out what Buffy has to say.
Thank you, Irina! I have been so flattered by the response that I am gonna put another chapter up now. Then you'll find out what Buffy has - or has not - to say.

Thanks for the review. BFN

02/02/2006 08:20 pm
Oh, poor William. He didn't need to know that much detail about Spike. He's only going to feel inferior. Buffy would have done better to read excerpts to him that she wanted him to hear about.

Wow, the diamonds - that's a fortune!

He's going to look very patriotic. :)
Hi, kim! Perhaps this is a good example of too much honesty? There's the truth, and then there's the truth! I think Buffy was going too far overboard in light of her recent mourning and her determination to have everything up front. Trying to do the right thing, in the wrong way, is often the same thing as doing the wrong thing in the first place. And that made sense to me!

D'ya like the diamonds? The ... ooops, nearly gave something away then. When he tells her about them all will become clear on where that came from!

Thanks for reviewing, kim. Am gonna put another chapter up now. BFN

02/02/2006 07:53 pm
It took me a bit to get around to reading this story, after knowing from "Buyer Beware" that you are an awesome writer, and now that I finally have, I've found that I'm thoroughly captured. And after this exquisite cliffhanger, you simply MUST post more, and as soon as is humanly possible!!!
Thank you very much! I think it has put off a few that look at Buyer. Now, if you're reading this I beg pardon for starting to ramble. It's that time of night when I've enjoyed a few bevvies of the grape variety and my waffle head comes on (I do a lot of writing at such different times of the day - but now is when I have my best ideas - go figure).

I would be grateful if you could find the time to drop me an email and give me an honest opinion of why you think this fic has not had half the readers that Buyer has. I am merely curious and wondering if perhaps this is too fluffy. I did want to make it angsty but hopeful with a little upbeat thrown in.

Anyway, as I'm asking a favour of you, I think it only fair that I obey your order and post some more (now, bearing in mind I have had a couple of drinks - this might take a while!) now!

Thank you, Coquine. BFN.

02/02/2006 07:02 pm
I cant wait to hear what she says, and how they are going to get rid of scoobies, the council, and talk about treasure in two chapters!
Yikes! Two chapters? You don't think I can? Should I have made it three... or four? I could be in trouble now! Although i do seem to recal the last chapter as being a bit on the robust size! (Phew! Glad I remembered that!!!).

Thanks for reviewing. BFN.

02/02/2006 06:32 pm
Grr. Willow and Giles need some sense knocked into them.
Why, Max! Did they annoy you? LOL

Thanks you, for your few but very succinct words, my dear.

02/02/2006 06:30 pm
great story so far. i like it.
Thank you! I appreciate you popping in to let me know.

02/02/2006 05:57 pm
I am completely loving this story! It is wonderful and while I can't wait for the next chapter,
I wish the story were going to be longer.

Warmest regards,
LOL! Thank you, Cheryl! I see your New Year's resolution is holding up well on the reviewing front - yay, you!

Will be doing a sequel at some point, so in a way it will be longer (that made perfect sense in my head!). But I do appeeciate the sentiment.

Hope you will come back and review again - and like the next bits, of course! BFN.

02/02/2006 05:20 pm
I love this so much. I wish I was good at detailing what I like, but I am not. Therefore, I can only say: "Great job". Will be watching for next chapters. Thank you.
Thank you, gaillee! Don't worry about picking out bits that you liked - that you like it at all and are kind enough to let me know is wonderful to me.

I hope you will enjoy the last two chapters which will not be too long in coming. BFN.

02/02/2006 04:47 pm
Now exactly how is this Spike knowledgable about the cottage?? HUMMMMMMMM... I just hope that they can figure this out before the Council comes calling. Great update.
Thank you. letitia! It's that flukey thing that some things are the same in different realities. So William visited his Uncle Arthur's cottage as a kid and remembered just enough to grab the goodies.

Mmmm. Nasty Council. I wouldn't want them to come calling.

Thanks for reviewing and hope you like the last two chapters when they're up. BFN.

02/02/2006 04:41 pm
You are doing a great job with this story. The ending of this chapter is so sad. Can't wait to read more.
Thank you, Bridget! Was a bit sad, wasn't it? And they were getting on so well too. Ho hum.

Thanks for being such a regular reviewer. I might put up another chapter in a few hours - otherwise it'll be tomorrow.

02/02/2006 04:22 pm
Poor Spike!He thinks Buffy doesn't love him.I'm less confused.When I reviewed in chapter four,I had yet to read chapter three.I didn't realize I hadn't read it until after I had reviewed.Update soon.
Ahh, that'll be my fault - the confusion - 'cos I put two chapters up yesterday and for some reason the older one gets caught up in the most recent (babbling now!).

There are two more chapters to go and will possibly post another later or maybe two tomorrow. Thanks for reviewing and hope you give me your thoughts on the next chapters as well. BFN.

02/02/2006 04:19 pm
Why on earth is Rupert's first instinct to panic? And why do I want to strangle both him and Willow? And Rose? Grr. Poor William. .. not only is he a man out of time, but he's now believing he's a piss-poor substitute for another version of himself. . .
Waiting to see how you resolve this without blodoshed.
Yep, Rupert and Willow are both strangleworthy here (is that a word?). But Rose... I have to say I think you're being a bit harsh on the poor woman - she's between a rock and a hard place as far as her duty goes.

I get the feeling that you are firmly on Spike's side in this - good for you! Me too!

Only a couple of more chapters and will (or not!) be resolved.

Thanks for reviewing, Niamh. Hope you come back again.