Losing Heaven by kimbclar
Chapter: No Longer Afraid

03/19/2006 09:54 pm
This is a great chapter. I love how Buffy recognized where her fear of falling in love comes from, and how she even admitted to herself why she was with Riley. Her telling Spike how she feels about him and deciding that she was going to put her feeling before her fear of rejection was great. The rest of the chapter was hot and sweet, and felt right for them to connect in such a way. Thanks for the great update.
So glad you liked it. I actually think that Buffy was realizing alot of this before she died and of course she had several months in heaven to come to terms with her feelings. I never liked the way Joss wrote her after her return. He made her a two-demensional character which she never was before. Oh well, hopefully this story will make it all better.

03/16/2006 09:48 pm
It just occured to me, they COULD have comfort sex. It's not like they don't need it. But that usually has far less lust in it.
Not always true.

03/16/2006 09:24 pm
Poetic license only goes so far. It doesn't go far enough that someone in a state of shock, grief or depression retains their libido. Buffy humping Spike right out of heaven is a bit too much.
To each his own and my muse demanded sex. As you said in your second post it could be comfort sex. Sex happens in the unlikelyiest (sp?) of situations and lust/love overcomes the best of us despite circumstances or perhaps when we're at our lowest is when we most need to connect on the most basic of physical levels. And remember this is fiction so suspend your disbelief.

03/16/2006 08:19 pm
Great chappy, KC. Love it.
Glad you liked it because I definetly enjoyed writing it.