Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Communication

05/03/2006 03:43 pm
I am so glad they are talking - Huggles Spike
:) thanx

05/01/2006 11:31 am
great chapter
thanx :)

04/29/2006 12:12 am
Great chapter, you tease. Isn't it about time for Giles and the Friends to find out and have a big group tantrum?
coming right up hon :)

04/26/2006 10:30 pm
Good chapter. I am glad it did not turn violent and that Buffy was able to exercise some self control.
yeah, they're both learning :)

04/26/2006 10:30 pm
Good chapter. I am glad it did not turn violent and that Buffy was able to exercise some self control.
thanx :)

04/26/2006 09:29 pm
I just hope that they can figure out what is going on. Great job of Buffy trying to hold off on the anger. And great job of Spike to help in the end. Love the update.
they're both figuring out how to cope with this..glad you liked it :)

04/26/2006 03:23 pm
Usually review at TSR but caught this chap here and I love it. Great communication between Buffy and Spike. Can't wait to see what happens.
thanx so much, glad you enjoyed it :)

04/26/2006 12:54 pm
after so much of mean Buffy sweet Buffy is heaven, don't u think?
i totally agree.. :)

04/26/2006 10:16 am
Please no more changing her mind every two minutes - it's too gruelling.
no, she's starting to get a bit more control, now that they're figuring out how to deal with this...

04/26/2006 07:35 am
Ohhhhhh, this was such a nicer chapter... even without the nice smut!
thanx :) glad you liked it :)
04/26/2006 06:34 am
Lovely chapter, I'm getting all misty-eyed. *sniff*
thanx so much, so glad you liked it :)

04/26/2006 06:24 am
God, this is so messed up. My heart's bleeding for Spike's so terribly unfair. This *child* went into something so *unnecessary* just because they found Spike a little too annoying. These *humans* that think themselves so righteous. Bah!! Makes me sick that they think they have to right to do such things to other sentient beings! The Initiative is bad enough.
yep...buffy and the scoobies messed things up big time...but that seemed to be her attitude through much of the show unfortunately :(

04/26/2006 05:21 am
Haven't reviewed in a while--sorry!--but I've been with you all the way. Awesome story, very powerful and compelling. I even find myself enjoying the dominance theme quite a bit (who'da thought?), but hope things get better for Spike eventually.
thanx, glad you are enjoying it :)

04/26/2006 05:18 am
Sorry, but I've been hiding under my bed the last few chappies. *Whew* It looks like it might be safe to come out now, so I am. Looks like things might be getting better. Or will I have to hide again? I love this story! Just thought you'd want to know I'm still here. Just barely, mind LOL but here. Good chapter!
lol...yeah, there are still gonna be scary points but they're starting to work things out :) thanx for the review :)

04/26/2006 05:12 am
Glad Spike figured out how to calm her down, it should help tell they figure ou how to even out the playing grond.
yep :) thanx for the review :)

04/26/2006 05:07 am
Okay she's starting to do more than just think about what this is doing to Buffy....Yea! Looking forward to Giles finding out what his idiotic suggestion has wrought. SPike got it right, what was the big need to totally dominate him when he was virtually harmless already....birk!

Excellent update.

Congratulations on your win for Belonging on the Fang Fetish Awards....very deserved.

yep, i agree on all points...thanx for the review and thanx for your congrats! :)

04/26/2006 04:56 am
oh wow that actually managed to work though an angry moment without loosing it. hmmm now what will happen next
yep...yea for progress :P thanx

04/26/2006 04:44 am
Sounds to me like Ms. Buffy has a VERY dark side... either that or the damned slayer in her has decided that Spike is IT... and refuses to take no for an answer... poor Spike...
could be both or either :) thanx for the review