Belonging by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Issues

05/27/2006 07:46 pm
Oh no! how are they going to explain chained, unconscious and beaten Riley? but then again Buffy has gotten out of tighter situations before, hasn't she? Poor Spike, thank you for Buffy's kind and gentle way with him. He's still so broken.
you might be surprised...but buffy's handling the situation right for once, and working their way toward healing...thanx for the review

05/17/2006 03:25 am
very good update. loved it, thanks. looking forward to how they justify the chained, bloody riley.
you'll see ;)

05/17/2006 02:43 am
That feels so much better. I like Riley as the Bloody Pulp Guy. too..i think it's his calling :)

05/16/2006 11:32 pm
Wonderful chappie! Thank you for the update!
thanx, glad you like ;)

05/16/2006 06:21 pm
Oops, wish they had unchained the Finn first....makes him look too much the victim this way! I trust you'll make it all work out right though.

Loved Buffy accepting all of Spike. She really should have on the show too. After all the demon had to have agreed at least to the soul getting (and that was like suicide) just to protect her!

Lovely stuff here.

yeah, he needed that...not to feel inferior because of what he is...yeah, it would have been better if they'd had more time :)

05/16/2006 01:43 pm
Oh, I hope they understand what Spike did to Riley. I don't think they will. Great chapter!
we'll see ;)

05/16/2006 01:30 pm
Something tells me it would have been good to have Riley out of the chains before the governor's men arrived. Maybe they can claim that the fight was in self-defense and they after he was unconscious they chained him up to make their escape?
yeah, that would have been better...but they'll come up with something :)

05/16/2006 12:01 pm
yippee - the cavalary has arrived! Does happy dance - can't wait to see how this gets wrappde up! *does happy dance*
thanx :)

05/16/2006 11:50 am
Isn't it great when the cavalry arrive like that!! Here's hoping the politicians do their job properly!
for once, maybe :)

05/16/2006 11:29 am
oh no.. what if they see that they are not bound and gagged and beaten???
well...they kinda cant help but see it might work out okay :)