Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Speculation

06/17/2006 07:26 pm
great chapter
thanx :)

06/03/2006 04:58 am
Nice interaction between Giles and Buffy, but I still think she's holding back. She finds it so easy to let Giles think that she couldn't possibly have any real feelings for Spike. I don't know if it's really that she cares so much for the others' various opinions or it she simply can't acknowledge her feelings even to herself. Anyway, lovely, well-written chapter. Gotta go read the next one now. :)
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/03/2006 04:32 am
very good update. giles is such an arrogant ass. buffy can, at least, accept the guilt. thanks for the great read.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/02/2006 09:01 pm
Something tells me that restraining her Slayer self is not going to make for puppies and christmas when she's finally released. Giles can be such and ass. I cannot wait for Joyce to tear him a new one. For somebody who is supposed to WATCH he really can be blind.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/02/2006 05:51 pm
Again I say that I really do like this fic, sorry it's been a while since I have been online so I haven't been able to check for updates all that recently.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/02/2006 04:30 am
Really love this chapter with the throwing out of various ideas. Sounds like Willow and Giles will have their work cut out for them.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/02/2006 02:52 am
well at least she told Giles the truth. I just hope she can keep it together so they can figure all of this out.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/02/2006 01:34 am
a feeling that he had never been able to drive back What a git Giles can be. Why would he want to stop loving Buffy. He can be such a big jerk, no wonder Buffy doesn't tell him anything. This is puzzling, JL - is Buffy being controlled (when she's being psycho Buffy) by and outside source or is this part of the unrealized mating claim? Reader waits semi-patiently for the author to reveal all. Excellent chapter.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/01/2006 05:50 pm
excellant update as always
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/01/2006 03:23 pm
So glad she confided in Giles. Now let's see what they do.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/01/2006 03:08 pm
More, more, more, please. What else can I say? I want to know how Spike is taking the separation and if he´s going to try to get over to her.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/01/2006 02:36 pm
“But Buffy – you must remember – the only one that is truly you, under your own power and with your own true feelings, is the third one."
Grrr... Stupid Giles. I know he means well, but.... Grr.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/01/2006 11:21 am
Buffy still has much to tell. Giles still isn't completely getting it.

And of course, it's not as simple as "the only real Buffy is the old Buffy". Giles is a moron. He's still not truly considering the original dominance ritual as a bad idea!! Bastard! These people are only feeling guilt because something bad happened. Their arrogance is revolting.

I'm sure Willow tweaked something about the spell. She never leaves well enough alone.

Can't wait for Joyce to talk to Giles!
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/01/2006 08:13 am
Buffy is being smarter then Giles now that is a beautiful thing to see. And buffy realizing that even though she is not in 'total control' that it is still 'her' and still her fault. I hope things dont get to much worse before they get a bit better. Great chapter.
thanx, glad you like it :)

06/01/2006 08:12 am
Awwww, thankfully Giles is nice to her
thanx, glad you like it :)