Love, Keyness and Impending Marriage by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Awkward Moments

07/17/2006 08:29 am
OH MY GOSH! Dawn is making out with Graham!!! Oh my ... that's just ... oh my gosh. Spike is going to kill him!
well he's gonna want to that's for sure

07/17/2006 08:29 am

06/20/2006 07:16 pm
Personally i absolutly loved this chapter! I love graham and a graham/dawn relationship here just rocks. I think this is a completly awesome story and the pairing is excellant. I am droooling here sweetie - just drooling!
Thanks steph! *huggles*

06/20/2006 01:51 am
dawn's hormones are going to get graham, if not killed, at least to the emergency room. if spike doesn't, buffy will. fun read thanks.
thanks for reading!

06/20/2006 01:02 am
Wow, I would have thought that the at least Spike, would have ripped his head off. She's underage and he's at least 22. Color me shocked! Good read. Thanks for the update.
Thanks for reading!

06/19/2006 09:33 pm

Well, that didn't take long...Graham's hot 'n heavy for a teenager.

Maybe some mood stabilizer meds for Willow??
lol, thanks for the review!

06/19/2006 07:44 pm
great chapter. Things are getting really interesting.

06/19/2006 07:10 pm
okay, ewww, sorry, but the whole dawn and graham thing is just gross. i'm seriously not liking her in this. i can't believe she would do that right there where buffy was bound to catch them, and hello, jailbait, willow was right about that. the jerk doesn't even like spike. i just don't understand how she could be interested in someone like him. she hasn't been making very good choices in this story and there's probably only so much more i can take. hopefully buffy knocks some sense into her.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I think it's not impossible that Dawn would fall for Graham. Dawn has issues of acceptance and sister envy, always has had. This graham thing will be contining for a few chapters.

06/19/2006 06:42 pm
Pappa Spike is going to be really PISSED with Dawn and Graham now. And I just feel bad for Andrew. Love how Buffy is all concerned over her.

06/19/2006 03:19 pm
hee hee! poor Dawn and Andrew, trapped in a 'future relationship' kind of way, hope they figure it all out. lol
it'll be a rocky road!