Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Wake Up Call

07/29/2006 06:45 pm
I knew the Council was up to no good - I can't believe they were just going to kill her - not even give her a chance! Of all the **** lol now i have to read the next chapter and find out what happens next !
thanx, glad you like it :)

07/15/2006 12:55 am
Giles is a doofus. What does it take for him to figure out that the Council works on its own agenda and doesn't give a hot damn about Slayers. Good chapter.
he'll figure it out soon enough :)

07/12/2006 08:00 am
What a shock, Buffy really did the right thing getting everyone moving so quickly. I feel sorry for Giles he had questions before, but what a way to have the last of his blinders removed.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

07/12/2006 05:03 am
very good update, thanks for the read.
thanx :)

07/11/2006 07:59 am
Go Buffy! It really looks like she understands Spike a little better now. Great chappie, keep it up:)
yeah, she's getting there :)

07/11/2006 03:43 am
Fantastic chapter! Gotta love it when Spike gets all growly and protective. It's kinda sweet. Poor Buffy. The council really does consider her disposable. And, dare I say it? Poor Giles. Finally got the wake up call in a big, bad way. And lastly, go Buffy! Great to see her fighting the demon on her own and beating it back. Please update soon. This is just too good!
yeah, giles kinda had to learn the hard way :(

07/11/2006 02:34 am
I just hope that Buffy can beat her back.. And Spike was really just trying to protect his family. Now Giles finally got to see what the Council was all about.
thanx for the review :)

07/10/2006 11:56 pm
Another excellent update. I can`t wait to see how they will perform the claiming ritual. And,why is Giles always so naiv about the Council,shame on him!
as always, though.. *sigh* thanx

07/10/2006 10:26 pm
A fearsome wake-up call for Giles!
yep :(

07/10/2006 08:59 pm
hate council of wankers whoops watchers trying to kill spike and buffy let spike have revenge kill them all even giles i think he's bluffing and trying to locate them to finish job well done to buffy for controlling demon but why is spike waking dawn up after threat is over??? has joyce been walking round with eyes shut not to see that spike worshipps the ground buffy walks on
yeah, giles isnt too bright sometimes.. :)

07/10/2006 08:28 pm
Hum....wonder what effect it would have for the Council of Wankers to try to redo the original ritual??? Wonder how the nasty moving in on Buffy would react to that? Excellent update (and woopee I can comment at the moment!!!)

interesting thought...we'll see :)

07/10/2006 08:01 pm
Damn the Council, they where there all along. This will definately put a crimp in Buffy and Giles' relationship. To quote M.L.King "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance or conscientious stupidity". Great chapter.
you're so right...thanx :)

07/10/2006 07:38 pm
No sympathy for the G-man....

07/10/2006 04:11 pm
OHHHH! Good update!
thanx :)

07/10/2006 03:24 pm
Poor Giles. Poor Buffy. Stupid Council wankers. Can't wait for the next update. Keep up the excellent storytelling.
thanx :)

07/10/2006 03:18 pm
Just what I needed. Great chapter. =)
thanx ;)

07/10/2006 03:04 pm
Good chapter. stupid Giles. Will he ever learn.
apparently not :(

07/10/2006 02:38 pm
Well, wakign Dawn will either help them fight the Slayer back or enrage her enough to keep fighting to come forward. Hmm.
we'll see i guess :)