What a Lovely Way to Burn by JamesMFan
Chapter: What a Lovely Way to Burn

06/20/2012 12:19 am
This one stands up to a really satisfying re-read!

Thanks. :-)
05/22/2010 12:46 pm

09/25/2009 09:06 pm
An odd melange of scenarios but very satisfying...especially the violence. Loved the last bit.

07/28/2006 11:17 pm
good story!

07/26/2006 08:28 am
Not only did I enjoy this fic, I loved the insight that it showed.

07/22/2006 10:20 pm
It be interesting to see a follow up or sequel to this one ... see what happens next

07/20/2006 07:53 am
Incredibly well written. It's not my favourite time period to read, but you definitely stuck to the feeling of canon and the poignant terror of it. I won't say I loved it, but I appreciated a great deal what you did.

07/19/2006 09:15 pm
great read, thanks. buffy must know how bad it is if she goes to faith for help.

07/19/2006 11:57 am
Wow. Great character voices here and you created some truly poignant moments in the garden. The paralysed but still living (sorry - undead) vamp in the bar thing was disturbing for its implications about Buffy and provokes some serious thought. I wouldn't have expected to find so much in a single chapter. Kudos!

07/19/2006 06:24 am
hmmm, I like this one!

07/19/2006 04:11 am
whiff of us - Ewww.

Like the Spike characterization. This is much better than whining pathetic Spike.

07/19/2006 02:15 am
i love this....very excellent characterization...my heart hurts for them both, to see the pain they're in and trying so hard to hide it from each other...wonder what faith will have to say about it...there *is* more, right? please?? :)

07/19/2006 01:26 am
oooohhh it would be awesome to make a sequel for this!

07/18/2006 11:24 pm
That was fun - Buffy must be in a really bad way if she's reduced to asking Faith for advice. How to completely lose the plot!

07/18/2006 10:42 pm
Very accurate account on her feelings during S6. Letting her need for sex with him and violence control her being, know wonder she's going to the only person that understands what she's going through...an other slayer. Good fic, Thanks for the read.

07/18/2006 10:40 pm
Well...visiting Faith...that's quite a leap for Miss Prissy to take.

Buffy the bitch strikes again.