Of Light And Shadow by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Catharsis

09/22/2006 06:22 am
oh wow...that was so heart-breaking...poor spike...is the thing destroying his soul? hope that buffy *can* help him...
More like numbing it. Remember what a &%$@# Buffy was after she "died"? I think maybe she might be able to.

08/21/2006 03:07 am
I really hope that Buffy will stay strong for Spike and continue to follow her instincts and help him.
Self-reflection can take a lot out of you. Let's hope she's strong enough.

07/29/2006 02:54 am
Good chapter.Update soon.Poor Spike.
Thank you so much!

07/29/2006 02:28 am
powerful read, thank you. glad to see buffy instictively finding a way to help him.eve if she doesn't know it.
It's when Buffy thinks too much that things get mucked up.

Miss Rose
07/29/2006 02:08 am
Your doing an amazing job with the scenes between Buffy and Spike they're so emotionally driven and incredibly well written. Willow asked a really interesting question about the Ukesolrill, I look forward to finding out what the answer is. Wonderful chapter!
I don't know where it all comes from, really. I just write what the muse tells me. It is a good question. I wanna know the answer too! Keep reading...pretty please.

07/29/2006 01:39 am
It had to be protected. It couldn’t be found, because if it were, all that she could love, and the hope that, maybe one day, she would love, would wither and die.

And, if that happened, the demon knew that it would not continue. It would stop. It would die.

Beautiful description. I love the image of the demon as the protector of the soul.
They had an agreement, remember? What is Spike if he's *not* a protector?

07/29/2006 12:35 am
Very tender. Poor Spike... he's been through so much already, and it just keeps coming. I dont want him to lose his soul - not after he fought so hard for it.
Glad that Buffy is finally pulling her head out of her a** and realizing some things about herself.
Great chapter, great story. Looking for the next installment.
Spike's well-being kinda hinges on Buffy right now. That's all I'm saying...:)

07/28/2006 11:26 pm
Great chapter. Powerful.
Thank you!

07/28/2006 11:01 pm
Ah, a fresh mind can do wonders, eh, Giles? Willow's question is a good one. Where does the demon essence float when it's traveling from slayer to slayer? And is the same demon's essence in both Faith and Buffy, or is there more than one Ukesolrill?

Poor Spike...the soul is dying no matter how hard he tries to protect it. Nice to see Buffy being honest with herself finally.
Here's hoping that Buffy can handle a broken vampire. How she handles this could mean the world to Spike.

07/28/2006 11:00 pm
Kill the slayer? Can't wait to see what that's about. It's just so damn sad, glad she's there for him,at last. Angsty and tender chapter. Thanks for the read.
No, not killing Buffy...again. But she has died before...:)