Of Light And Shadow by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: An Act Of Contrition

09/22/2006 06:34 am
there's the slayer we all know and love :) hope they can beat this thing soon...poor spike needs some relief...and so do i!

08/23/2006 08:12 pm
I like Battling Buffy.
Me too!

08/21/2006 04:16 am
The pain and guilt that William felt at the death of his sister was heartbreaking. I hope that Spike’s idea of making the demon sick with too much emotion works.
He might be on to something...

08/08/2006 11:40 pm
The demon's retreating to wrap around the soul, William's at the forefront, and the body is still exhausted. *sigh*

Definitely not a standard Slayer operation. She won't be able to bash now, ask questions later. And their time is extremely limited because the monster binds with Spike the longer it's there.

I miss Mouse, too.
Not the Slayer's M.O. I know. She'll have to think her way out of this one. And as for Mouse, he will be back don't worry! :)

08/08/2006 09:05 pm
sad and very good update. thank you. it seems as buffy and spike have the same idea.
Not exactly the same. But if they work together...

08/08/2006 07:05 pm
So sad...and the team seems to be one step behind...not quite grasping what's going on. Dawn understands Spike better than the rest, but she doesn't have the tools to help. And this isn't a situation for standard Slayer thinking.
Aren't they always? And you're right, this isn't the standard slayer thing. This calls for tact and forward thinking- all things a Slayer, in particular Buffy, doesn't have. How ever will she cope...? :)

08/08/2006 02:17 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.Poor Dawn and Spike,with Spike thinking that Dawn is Emma.
That appology *may not* have been all "William" after all.

Miss Rose
08/08/2006 01:54 pm
What a clever plan Spike came up with, and i'm so glad Buffy is forming a plan too. The flashback was so sad. :( But i'm really enjoying this journey into Spike's past, and I can't wait to find out what Spike's next memory will be. Great chapter.
I think it's clever as well. Maybe there's more to "Spike" than just "Fists and fangs?" What do you think?

08/08/2006 08:28 am
Buffy's going into Spike's mind like Willow did for her, find and kill this thing and then she'll go looking for Spike. If all of this is going to be happening in his head, it's going to be very exciting, I can't begin to imagine all that she'll find there. Can't wait. Wonderful chapter. Thanks.
Should be exciting. I hope you can stay for the ride.