The Colour of Love by Akaelalee
Chapter: The Colour of Love

04/13/2008 12:02 pm
Excellent! Loved it!

S's Girl
09/11/2007 02:16 am
Slightly twisted, that's good. Too quickly over, I wish there was more of a lead-in. Cool that it is a dream though, so much can be done in dreams that will never occur in the waking hours.

10/08/2006 01:14 pm
LOL poor confused vampire! Dru always had clarity even in her madness though. Well done.


06/12/2006 04:59 am
Oh, I love the thought of Spike having dreams of loving Buffy before season 5 but forgetting them. Perfect.

05/26/2006 07:27 am
excellent....very wickedly good...exactly how spike might have felt during his time with dru before season 4...loved it :)

05/10/2006 02:31 am
that was a wonderful read, thanks

02/19/2006 04:15 pm
neat drabble. what a wonderful evil dream!
Thankyou for reviewing, I'm glad you like it!