Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Rising Tensions

09/02/2006 04:05 pm
Ooh, I missed the gun in the previous chappie. Never mind....
lol.. :) thanx

09/01/2006 11:13 am
oh please let them kill travers - please?
lol...hmm...maybe...we'll see ;)

09/01/2006 05:16 am
Is there anyway at all to insure that Travers dies a slow, painful death? If so, I think that Spike and Buffy should be the ones to insure that he is brought to justice. Although I'm sure that they wouldn't mind at all if Joyce, Dawn, and Giles wanted to help. Awesome, intense chapter. Can't wait to read the next one.
oh i think they'd all like to help :)

08/31/2006 04:56 pm
Finding it hard to sympathize with Giles getting a thorough thrashing. He doesn't deserve Joyce. Also, I wouldn't start up with Joyce. A person could end up with an ax in their skull. Another great chapter, JL
lol...oh well...i was going for working toward redeeming giles, but if its not working..*sigh*...thanx for the kind review, pet :)

08/31/2006 08:37 am
Evil cliffies. However, I got to read several chapters to get caught up and that was well worth it; especially if you give us more story soon.
thanx, so much, so glad you like it :)

08/30/2006 08:16 pm
I hope that Travers gets what is coming to him. I hope we don't have to go through a lot of cliffhangers before it happens. But however you decide to write it I will keep reading. Great chapter.
no, it will be pretty soon :) thanx ;)

08/30/2006 05:37 pm
Oooooh - I hope they kick his ass :P
they will, they will :)

08/30/2006 03:42 pm
Travers has no idea how he is messing with. And how dare he strike Joyce. I am just hoping that the chip is still working so that Spike can help protect his family.
you're so right :) we'll see about the chip... :)

08/30/2006 03:04 pm
I always hated Travers. Still do. Good job of writing him.
thanx glad you enjoyed it :)

08/30/2006 12:23 pm
I'd ask if Spike could eat Travers and his men but I wouldn't want Spike to get food poisoning. So maybe a little maiming and dismemberment perhaps?
Great chapter!
yeah, buffy and spike will take care of them :)

08/30/2006 11:31 am
That f******* bastard,who does he think he is!!!!!? I really hope that the chip is still inactive, and that Spike, as well as Buffy,will kick his as.....and become dinner..What a creep!
travers will pay...promise :)

08/30/2006 11:12 am
How can those men that work for Travers think it's just fine to murder innocent women and children? We all just hate him so much. Now how is Buffy supposed to get back in her body? Maybe the chip won't activate again, kinda doubt it though. Great job, thanks.
the comment yet :) thanx for the review :)

08/30/2006 10:35 am
Bloody Hell! I hope they've got a decent plan worked out!
we'll see :)

08/30/2006 09:55 am
Quentin has to go!
yep :)

08/30/2006 07:23 am
excellent update, thank you. travers didn't have to wait long. and why do i know he is going to be extremely unhappy getting what he wanted. thanks for the fine read.
lol...yeah, he's not gonna like his prezzie much :)

08/30/2006 06:31 am
Travers is SO gonna get his ass kicked. Especially if Joyce gets ahold of a weapon.
yep...he's got almost everybody wanting to take him down :)

08/30/2006 06:09 am
And just how is this going to work with Buffy's body a limp noodle? Dawn has to be able to make the transfer, and that's going to be terribly hard to do with Travers and his men in the way. They're going to try to kill Spike on sight when they see Buffy's limp body.

Do you see her body as being in suspended animation? Because without a consciousness inhabiting it, it's dead. There's nothing to drive the functions, without artificial machinery.

And it is very likely that Spike is back to pre-spell chippedness. He can dodge and defend, but never attack, so if the chip is back in action, then they're really screwed. He's basically just a meat shield, until someone pulls out a stake.
it will be tricky, i'll'll have to see how it's done...and as for spike's usefulness, being possibly chipped...give our boy a *little* credit for being more than muscle :)

08/30/2006 06:07 am
Maybe they got guns... like Spike said, guns would work, hehe
for once, might not be a bad idea :)

08/30/2006 05:50 am
I HATE it when you cliffy us like that! It is just maddening! I still love this story, though! I can't wait until Travers gets his stuck up, stupid azz kicked all over the hotel!
lol...sorry *hehe*...more action coming up :)

08/30/2006 05:28 am
Great chapter! Looking forward to finding out how you're gonna get buffy back in her body.
should be kinda tricky...i'm kinda looking forward to finding out myself :P lol