There's Something About Spike by fallen_angel
Chapter: Mrs. Cadaver

10/02/2006 08:55 pm
"it is evidently consoling to note that people next door are headed to hell" LOL. Exams suck. Hope thaey are over soon so u can update.
Exams do suck and we have have the major one in March. I haven't even finished studying. God knows when I'll update next.

09/07/2006 11:24 am
Oh no you didn't lose me it just took me a few days to have time to read the update, work you know how things are.... I'm looking forward to the next chapter ...
Glad I didn't lose you. Updates... you know about my school life right?

09/07/2006 08:02 am
I loved Buffy’s ramble and how it let us know why she became a doctor. Her neighbor will never forget her. :D I also loved the way Becky was clarified and how he received the nickname. I could hear in my mind the exasperation and sarcasm in Dawn’s voice as her characterization was so perfect. Thanks for a very enjoyable update.
With your review I know I've achived what I had set out to do. Thanx

09/07/2006 04:46 am
You named the next door neighbor Cadaver! that alone was funny, but tell her about vampire's and that she dated a murderer, but you had to tell that poor old woman that Willow was having phone sex to boot! ROTFLMAO! You could have given her a stroke or coronary, bad Buffy. Well no more chocolate cake for you! Can't wait to see Buffy and Spike's reunion. It should be very interesting. Thanks for the update, very funny chappie.
That's gonna be a tough chapter to write. May take a couple of drafts. Always glad to dish out laughs.

09/06/2006 02:42 pm
Can't wait for an update. I have to say, to go from reading the regular format fiction to this, its like a word maze :D But I get it, and I like it. More soon I hope.
I never looked at it that way. I imagine I'm Buffy and write through her eyes. Glad you are able to understant it though.

09/06/2006 01:06 pm
atleast you answered one of my questions
when would i get the answer to the charlotte question?
don't know yet.

09/06/2006 03:06 am
Oooo evil neighbour lasy! Maybe she's a zombie? I would have like to hound you about the slack in updates but seeing how you were drowning in homework *refer * I'll forgive you.
Forgive me? How kind!

09/06/2006 02:24 am
Good chapter.Update soon.I'm much less confused now.Willow wanted to be a doctor?Is that canon?I can't remember.
No that's not cannon. I've an exam every month till April so updates...

09/06/2006 12:36 am
lol...their neighbor seems interesting....maybe she's evil!! lol :)
You never know...