Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Fighting Dirty

10/01/2006 04:28 am
very good read, thank you. wondrful title selection.
thanx so much, so glad you liked :)

09/27/2006 05:53 pm
I just want Spike and Buffy to get Angel back so bad.... And for Buffy to now have to talk down Angel while Spike works his magic is great. They are a team and he needs her support to get through this. Spike is so much stronger that Angel even anticipated.
yes, angel deserves it :) as a team they will take angel down a peg or two..

09/27/2006 03:54 pm
Oh yeah! I love this chapter - angel needs to be in pain!
completely agreed :)

09/27/2006 11:10 am
A terrific fight that had me thinking dust him already! But this way will play much better - especially now the true Angel has been revealed to Buffy. Excellent chapter
thanx so much, glad you're enjoying it :)

09/27/2006 10:29 am
Now if Buffy will only realize it isn't a complete lie it will help her that last inch of healing. It was the immature love of a woman-child who never really even knew the "person" she loved! She never knew Angel and he never knew her if you watch that relationship, each was in love with an image of the other.

Sigh.....much as I hate poor Spike getting the tar beat out of him I love that he's facing his nightmares and holding his own. This will be so theraputic for him when it's all over. It may even help him deal with his remaining problems with Buffy.


so my next chapter will go deeper into :) thanx so much :)

09/27/2006 09:25 am
Wow, I'd thought that it was Angelus too! Nothing like the woman who said she loved you tell you that she never did. Go Buffy! Very exciting chapter, thanks for the read.
lol...thanx so much :)

09/27/2006 07:22 am
It looks like fighting dirty is just what we need. I can't wait to see Angel go down! Good update, and im anxiously awaiting the next chapter:)
thanx so much :)

09/27/2006 07:08 am
Bwahahahahaha, now kick him in the balls and stake him little sadist you...

09/27/2006 06:30 am
Oh, I know...I'm just feeling like the devil's advocate today, considering all feelings. It's a lesson he needs to learn, definitely, but I still feel sorry for him for how clunt and brutal it has to be.

No problem with Spike or Buffy here at all.
totally understood, pet :)

09/27/2006 06:02 am
Clever and intriguing! This just keeps getting better. I think this is a conversation that Buffy has been wanting to have with Angel for a long time. And I think that Spike is really gonna appreciate hearing whatever she has to say. Don't think Angel is gonna like this little heart to heart at all. Can't wait for the next update.
no, he's not gonna like it :) hehe

09/27/2006 04:59 am
As much of an ass as he's being, I feel a bit sorry for Angel. This is a lot to spring on him out of the blue, no?
well, yeah...but angel's never faced up to what he did to spike, at this point, even in canon (which this story most definitely is not :) ) spike just needs to be able to deal with this in order to feel like he's got control of his own life back, after all he's been through...and angel's the one who's choosing to make things go on as they did in this chapter...he could have let it go when Spike tried to in the last chapter...true, spike made a smart mouth remark, but angel allowed it to get to him enough to let Angelus take control and start the fight up again...

09/27/2006 04:54 am
hehehe. nice :)
thanx :)

09/27/2006 04:04 am
*Whew* I was worried there...for a minute.
breathe, pet :) 's all right :)

09/27/2006 03:58 am
“I *never* loved you, Angel.”
That was dirty. Could you maybe stake Angel in 10 or 12 chapters. Please please please?
well, he's probably not gonna get staked..but he's gonna have to face up to his responsibilities...
as for buffy's "dirty pool"...she has to get him distracted enough to let up on spike, to give him a chance to recover enough to fight back....

09/27/2006 03:15 am

Great chapter!
thanx :)

09/27/2006 03:03 am
great! playing head games with angel! serves him right. thanks for the update
i agree..thanx :)

09/27/2006 03:03 am
greta! playing head games with angel! serves him right. thanks for the update
thanx :)

09/27/2006 02:49 am
He's not the only one who's going to love watching it work.
lol...probably not :)

09/27/2006 02:39 am
I must admit I'm a little confused. Is it angel or Angelus? Or some weird combination of the two? Maybe I'm just too tired tonight for subtle. I'm sure it will all come clear in the next chapter.
it will be clearer in the next chapter...but in my verse, for this fic anyway...i'm trying to get across the point that angel *is* angelus...or angelus is always a part of angel....true, he has a soul, but the demon is always still there...he is still the same person who wreaked a century's worth of mayhem and just matters to him now that it was wrong...but having the soul doesn't mean that the personality traits that made him want to cause pain and play vicious mind games have suddenly vanished...he's still the same person at heart....

09/27/2006 02:37 am
no I'm on the floor kicking and screaming (tantrum..major) you can't stop there. GREAT CHAPTER...Excellent
lol..more soon :)