Of Light And Shadow by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Post Mortem

10/17/2006 02:16 pm
Poor, poor Spike. He's in sad need of some positive help, isn't he?
Yes he is. And he will be getting it, though he may not accept it at first.

10/16/2006 07:09 pm
Great chapter :D

10/16/2006 07:56 am
ya know, as much as I usually dont like the git, i'm thinking maybe spike kinda needs angel right now...or maybe not, guess we'll see soon what your take on it is...hopefully they'll be able to help spike get through this next difficult step :)
Yep. But will he ask...and will Angel help if he does ask?

Miss Rose
10/16/2006 03:43 am
It's interesting that Panya is the first person to ever ask about Spike's life before he became a vampire. Great flashback. I'm glad Giles is finally listening to his Grandmother's insightful words. Loved the chapter!
As far as the Council is concerned..."Seen one vamp, seen 'em all." Mouse isn't with the Council...yet. :)

10/16/2006 01:32 am
Makes sense, the Watcher's would have no interest in the past of the vamps they were recording. They had no idea that any vamp could be influenced by his past. Giles should have known something of William from his Grandmother. Even if she didn't tell him of his vampire status. Love little Panya and his need to know his friend better. No one thought to get Spike any blood for when the ordeal was over? I'm glad that Buffy didn't pressure Spike about drinking from her, he already feels so remorseful for what he tried to do. They all will need time to heal. Great chappie, thanks.
Maybe Giles did know about uncle William. I did say that he knew that his uncle was killed by a vampire. :) That part is true. He may not have connected the rest. As for being prepared...the scoobies were always a bit short-sighted.

10/16/2006 12:11 am
Good ol' Panya. The faith and clarity of youth....long forgotten by all the rest. Children can teach us much, if we listen.

It must have taken much from him just to feed on the animals he'd come across between Africa and Sunnydale. Of course, if he's loopy enough, the demon will still push towards survival and find something. But, Spike snaps back from anything. That's what he does.
Spike'll come through. He's a fighter. But you're right, the soul makes no distinction between food and murder. That makes surviving difficult.

10/15/2006 11:39 pm
Mouse really is asking the difficult questions. I like his question on if anyone had ever asked Spike. Thanks so much for the update, I really enjoyed it.
Well sometimes it's best to look at things with a fresh,unbiased set of eyes.

10/15/2006 10:41 pm
awwwwwwwwww very sweet. I'm so glad Giles is so supportive. Poor Spike. Also, I love the banner! I'm a bit of a banner freak, so I know it's nice to get comments on the banner too lol. :)
I think it's about time they circled the wagons around Spike. And, Nemo did a Great job on the banner! :)