Blood Bound by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: To Find the Truth

11/01/2006 03:57 am
to get Spike out of your bathroom - okay can't exactly blame Giles on that. Fun chapter. Lots of good Buffy ass kicking.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/27/2006 03:04 pm
Wonderful chapter. I am glad that you let Anya speak to Xander first. You have done a great job expressing Buffy's anger and the emotions and reactions of Giles, Willow and Xander. I am glad that Spike is just the observer in Buffy's tirade. It would be interesting to know what he is thinking.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/27/2006 07:20 am
Love the Buffy rant. Looks like she's gonna dish out some home truths to each and every one of them. Although, so far, it looks as if Giles might be the only one she's getting through to even the least little bit. Can't wait to see how Xander fares. Have a feeling it's not gonna be pretty.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 11:06 pm
well, this wasn't a TOTALLY evil cliffhanger, like some you've left us on! Thanks?
I think I'm not in a universe that can have Buffy mad at _me_. You'd think that they'd realize that they should maybe just shut up, even if they disagree...A furious Slayer across the room and YOU're the focus? Nope, shut up and hope to get out unscathed. Deal with what she said later...perhaps on the phone, from another continent.
Still a great story!
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 09:56 pm
GO ANYA! GO BUFFY! Love this chapter
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 04:21 pm
Doing the happy dance here! WONDERFUL chapter where Buffy says much that I would have. Giles needs to THINK, use that brilliant mind of his and look beyond the propaganda (on the show he seemed inclined to do this until Angelus killed Jenny...then he went party line). The others need a wake up call, maturity and compassion too. So happy you had Buffy admit her own selfish reasons too. This is great and will go far in healing the problems with Spike.

Yeah you!!! Great update.

thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 09:23 am
Buffy's revelation finally has Giles and the rest of the scoobies something to think about. I can understand Spike wanting to keep her friendship with her friends. He loves her so much that he doesn't want for her to regret her tirade later. Ooo, Xander's in up to his ears in it, isn't he. I love it! Between her and Anya, I think he may come through this better off if he realizes his prejudices and changes his attitude. Really great chapter, thanks.
yeah, he's kinda staying out of it to let her say his piece...maybe xander will eventually come around :)

10/26/2006 09:18 am
Oh I like it very much, foremost how all of them get a piece of Buffy's mind and get all their faults presented on a silver plate and how buffy doesn't exclude herself from it.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 05:02 am
Love Buffy putting Giles in his place. Willow really needs to learn. Anya as always was a hoot. So will Xander make the right decision or will he let his prejudice get in the way??
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 03:59 am
excellent read, thank you. wonderful job of handing out truth to the egocentric three. bit of a question if any of them heard the truth. and use the shovel to firmly get his attention, often.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 03:56 am
“Maybe you’d better grab a shovel.”

Ohhoho... ::evil snicker:: This should be good. And I always love seeing Anya stand up for herself.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 03:53 am

Now I may be completely off-base here...

Xander is scared of turning into his father... too late he already IS his father... his need to control the women in his life, is so far limited to verbal abuse and emotional black-mail, but its still abuse (like his father is portrayed as being on the show) Someone needs to smack him with that shovel and make him understand that... *grin* let Spike beat the crap outta him.

Great Chapter... but... I WANT MORE!
you're so right, love...glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 01:33 am
Woot! Go Anya! I love Xander to bits, but the way he treated Anya made me soooo angry. Love the way you did this chapter, and I am glad that you wrote Buffy as somewhat more understanding to Giles because of the whole CoW thing... although it would have been very interesting to have Spike almost 'justifying' Giles's actions because of the Council's brainwashing instead of the break in her tirade. Anywayzz, the way you did it was super as is. Can't wait for more:)
thanx so much, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 12:47 am
Great chapter - I like how Buffy kept it together - Giles was sorely in need of the wake up call. And Anya letting rip too! Perfect.
thanx, glad you liked it :)

10/26/2006 12:47 am
Can we beat him to death with that shovel?
lol..could be fun :O)

10/25/2006 11:59 pm
Great chapter! I'm really looking forward to the verbal flaying of Xander. Unfortunately, I don't think any of the three of them are capable of taking her criticisms on board. We'll see if Giles reverts. Excellent assessment of his failings.
hope you enjoyed xander's dress-down, he really needed it :)

10/25/2006 11:46 pm
Goodness, that's a tense room.

I'm glad Anya saw a chance to express how she's been feeling all this time.
thanx :)