Of Light And Shadow by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter: Paradigm Shift

12/17/2006 08:45 pm
What a fascinating coincidence that the ring he gave her was a skull ring and it's siginficance to Victorian mourning rites. Love it! Love that this Dawn still loves him so much, hated how she felt about him in S7. Just hate Angel so I'm not commenting on him, but the fact that he's here must mean that you're bringing him back into the picture at some point and I can't wait for that confrontation with Giles, now that he knows what Angelus did to his grandmother. That will be worth the wait. Wait til Buffy finda out, I'm guessing that Dawn caught that part of the conversation as well. So much more to explore, wonderful, thank you.
Yeah, I hate that too. And the ring thing-that was a big "a-ha" for me. I started to wonder if there was more compassion in the "Big Bad" persona than we thought. Perhaps "Spike" was grieving for something that made him feel empty, and that was, at least part of the reason he sought "it" out? That's just my thought.

11/29/2006 06:07 am
Well done :)
Thanks :)

11/23/2006 08:17 pm
Angel is just as self-involved as ever and his musing shows that his feelings towards Buffy are like those towards a piece of property rather then those of a man in love. I love how important Spike is to Dawn and the flash-back of her giving him back his ring and letting him know that Buffy had held onto it. I am also glad that she is getting Buffy up going, doing something to help Spike, rather then letting her continue crying with worry over him.
Yes, Angel is self-involved; and to a certain degree so is Buffy. Angel's attitude will come into play later. At least Buffy has Dawn to help her focus. Angel- not so much.

11/19/2006 07:32 pm
Good chapter.Update soon.Aw,she kept the ring.
Yep, she did. :)

11/19/2006 07:27 pm
Dawnie's gotta a plan? Let's hopre hers work better than Spike's.
Spike's emotional health is as important to Dawn as breathing. So yeah...it should work.

11/19/2006 05:32 pm
I love that Dawn is a bit less bratty and a lot more perceptive--I think the monks that created her (in canon) never had siblings that paid attention or idolized their big brother.
I always thought "Dawn" was waay too bratty. If my little sister, (whose name just happens to be Dawn) acted like she did- the parental units would not have been happy. I think this "Dawn" is much more true.

11/19/2006 02:25 pm
Good work, Dawn. It sounds like Spike is going to need some firm foundations if the big I AM is going to stick his oar in!
Time to start building what's been torn down before "Hurricane Angel" starts blowin'! :)

Miss Rose
11/19/2006 01:17 pm
After reading Angel's musings i'm thinking Ripper should definitely come out and knock Angel down a peg or two. I loved how this update touched on Dawn and Spike's friendship. Wonderful chapter as always!
Remember who Ripper's uncle is...and think-how would he handle The Brooding One.

11/19/2006 06:54 am
very good read, thank you. dawn to the aid of her best friend and her sister. and angel lost in the vast vaciuty of his own mind. thanks again.
I had aa t-shirt once that said, "Legend in my Own Mind." Think it would fit Angel? :)

11/19/2006 06:18 am
Oooh... Isn't Dawn the clever one?
Well someone has to be! :)

11/19/2006 05:46 am
poor spike...i love how dawn is taking matters into her own hands here...excellent chapter, pet :)
Dawn always understood Spike. Maybe she can teach Buffy a little something?

11/19/2006 05:39 am
Reviewed over at SR just now, but I had to say how much I loved Dawn's POV here, too.

Very important that Spike knows it's not just the soul that allows Buffy's love now. That's not going to help his confidence much.

Things moved on from the Hellmouth, with the Slayer known to be away? That won't last long...there are always dumb people to roam around SunnyD at night.
Maybe Sunnydale is deserted. Or maybe Angel is just too self-absorbed to notice anyone but himself? Which is more likely...well...