Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Lost and Found

12/17/2006 03:37 am
Thank you, thank you, thank you for not keeping us on pins and needles wondering Spike's fate in the hands of Riley. Can't wait to get caught up. Great chapter.
lol...thanx for the review, love :)

11/21/2006 06:17 pm
See, Buffy? See what happens when you ignore something? It doesn't go just gets bigger- now for the rescuing!
nope, gets bigger and bigger...and now she has to pick up the pieces...

11/21/2006 03:41 pm

11/21/2006 02:15 pm
Oh, thank goodness.

Now, I know the fact that it's in the Initiative doesn't automatically make it Riley, but I'm going to assume it is (partly 'cause I hate Riley the most). He did, after all, try and stop her from heading that direction (also not conclusive, I know, but I don't care. Pppthb!)
yeah, riley deserves hating as far as i'm concerned, even when he *doesn't* shoot spike in the head :P...thanx for the review, love, glad you're liking it :)

Kimberly Adams
11/21/2006 11:03 am
Yippeeee she found him!!!!!! My heart is beating so hard and I can't wait for more. I can't wait to find out who was doing this to Spike and see their cowardly ass get kicked across Sunnydale. You are fantastic!
yeah, they'll get it in the end...thanx for the feedback, love, glad you're liking it :)

11/21/2006 08:33 am
I see the classic Buffy avoidance of unpleasant memories is still in effect. I like how she found him. I like *that* she found him.
thanx so much, glad you like :)

11/21/2006 06:55 am
WOW this is a great read so far can't wate to see the next chapter!!! ;-)
thanx so much :)

11/21/2006 06:09 am
Great thank you :) no more torture for spike. Even if it was xander not riley i hope he gets his too.
nope, he's safe now...mostly...problem is, at this point the villain is most likely someone buffy trusts...and he cant yet tell her who it is...

11/21/2006 06:00 am
You are doing an excellent job with this story...keeping the mystery going. I'm so happy Buffy has found Spike. I still think the culprit is Xander but with allthe twists and turns it could be anyone. I can hardly wait for updates.
yeah, and hopefully more twists and turns to come :)

11/21/2006 04:58 am
Oh, man that's just... Well, words fail me. Fantastic chapter except that now you're got me rethinking the whole Riley as the villian of the piece. So glad that Buffy finally found Spike, but then you just had to go and leave us hanging once again, didn't you? Guess it's no fun if you can't torture your readers a little by making us wait for the next update before you'll give us another little tid bit of information. Not sure I can stand the suspense. :)
well, riley may or may not be guilty...gotta torture the readers just a bit, love :) more soon :)

11/21/2006 04:46 am
demanding much? :)

11/21/2006 03:58 am
excellent read, thank you. at least she found him,but i'm sure it will be awhile before he is able to tell her anything.
yeah, he's not speaking yet, and he doesn't have the first clue what his attacker looks like...

11/21/2006 03:58 am
Good fight scene. Four months is a long time, though, for Buffy to go without her vampire. Sniff.
yep, it's been a while, but they're together again

Immortal Beloved
11/21/2006 02:07 am
Oh, thank God. Buffy finally found Spike. I still want to know who shot him, but at least he's not lost anymore.

I could say I was leaning toward Riley at this point since Soike's in the Initiative caves, but that's too obvious. I think I'm saying Xander since I just remembered that the "cheap shot" could have been him trying to decapitate Spike after he had sex with Anya. And I agree with your comment that Xander has some darkness in him.

If you wanted to kill us with suspense, then you've succeeded. Great intricately woven plot that could lead to lead to any culprit.

Tangent: Is anybody else reminded of the "Who shot JR" storyline on Dallas and the "Who shot Mr. Burns" one on The Simpsons?
yeah, he's relatively safe now...and yes, xander could just as easily be the guilty party as riley, in my opinion of their characters...and to the right, love! :)

11/21/2006 01:19 am
Evil, Evil, we STILL don't know who did this to Spike! And how I feel for them both as she discovers just how bad a shape he is in.
yeah, it's gonna be hard on both of them... glad you like it ;)

11/21/2006 12:49 am
Yay she found Spike. I loved the Demons getting ready to sacrifice the virgin. Kinda like it was their annual company picnic or something. Anyway, I'm axiously awaiting more. Update soon plz.
lol..that's kinda the effect i was going for ... glad you liked it :)

11/21/2006 12:08 am
She found him! I wonder if he remembers who took him.
well, he's lost his memory from he wouldn't be able to tell her who it is...but he would recognize them by scent and sound....however, at this point he still can't see...and as for speech...we'll get to that soon :)

Spikes Slayer2
11/20/2006 11:04 pm
omg... what a way to find him...

im kinda thinking its riley but still not sure cause you love to spring unexpected twists on us.. hehe

Great chapter!!
not telling...and yeah, that's a pretty harsh way for buffy to find out the truth about what happened to him...but at least they're together now...

11/20/2006 10:46 pm
Great chapter. Thank god she found him! I love how you're still teasing us. More PLEASE and as soon as possible!!!
thanx, glad you liked it :)

11/20/2006 10:22 pm
Good Work. More, more more!!!!
soon, love :)

11/20/2006 09:58 pm
Another great chapter! So glad she found Spike, but am very worried about what shape he will turn out to be in.
pretty rough shape, actually :(

11/20/2006 09:45 pm
You can't let feelings get in the way of your job, Buffy, not when it's about protecting the town. I can just imagine the disappointment from Giles if he knew about that.

Poor Spike...I would have topsy-turvied the entire town to find him, if it was me. 4 months!!!!
yeah, giles would not be happy...poor spike least he's safe now...sort of :)

11/20/2006 09:36 pm
Oh God what a great chapter!!!!! NOW things can look up a bit for Spike (although knowing you, it's not over yet by a long shot). 4 months....whew! Riley sure didn't want Buffy going that direction (and I had a sneaking suspicion it was the Initiative caves...even planned to comment as a guess if you didn't identify it yet).

Let the rescue begin!!

WOW, just WOW.

who squees when I see you've updated! I scare my dogs
maybe, maybe not...and i'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter, too bad about your dogs though :P

11/20/2006 08:47 pm
Great chapter. Buffy found spike in initive caves... So the shooter is Riley...Or you are giving wrong lead so we will be suprised... YOu are evil!
Update soon can't wait to read more!
just cause he was found in the initiative caves does not mean it was riley...he was not the only one who knew about the caves, and someone looking for a hiding place/prison could have just happened on the caves without knowing about them short -- not telling!!! :P

11/20/2006 08:32 pm
Ohh, finally she found him. I hoped she would find as I read, and she did! Please post more soon!
more soon, pet...thanx so much :)

11/20/2006 08:31 pm
She found Spike! *Daces around the room like crazy and finally has a cardiac arrest*
don't die on me, love :) glad you like it ... lol

11/20/2006 08:25 pm
You do a good job of writing suspense to keep us hanging. Who is the bad guy...Xander or Riley?

And re the annual human virgin sacrifice. Just a sacrifice right? Because one girl could not be divvied up among that many huge demons if humans are their "natural food".
not telling...and as to the's just a ritual, not an actual meal...not that it really matters for the rest of the story :)

11/20/2006 08:23 pm
She found him! Oh happy day! Spike's almost safe, I hope. Can't wait for more.
thanx, more soon, love :)