Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Surprise

Dead Man Walking
03/27/2007 04:32 am
This is driving me MAD!
Just when i thought he wasn't, couldn't be the bad guy he's whacked into the story again?
Except now i'm praying it is Angel so Buffy'll stake him. Or maim and torture him before tossing him off to Spike to stake, with a wood chip covered in garlic-soaked holy water.

Wow. I'm passionate.
(l) the story.
but i love reading passionate reviews, it makes them so much more fun (and reviews are always fun to begin with)
other than that, i can't really comment without giving plot points away, so i'll just wait til you get a little further into the story
thanx, love :)

03/02/2007 02:19 am
Okay, you're leading my mind in too many directions. The only thing I know for sure right now is that Giles isn't the culprit that did this to Spike, but now I have a list of three people that could have. You lead me one way, then you turn it around and make mind wanna explode.

Great stuff, just wish I could figure it out.

Going to read a few more chapters. Then it's time for bed.
all will be revealed, possibly sooner than you think...let me know what you think when the villain is revealed :)

01/25/2007 02:40 am
Well, I like Anya too... and Faith... and most of the time, Cordy... the rest of them are assholes and/or annoying and most of them big lying hypocrites
well, i've liked almost all the characters at some point or another on the show...and to some extent, i still's just fun to see who i can turn into a villain believably, and to switch it up a bit, make someone different the bad guy every time...but i pretty consistently love anya and dawn...and of course spike! :)

01/24/2007 03:40 pm
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! You evil witch!! Not ANGEL!! *screams* You are so MEAN
lol...sorry, like no one but buffy and spike, do you? :P

12/17/2006 06:31 am
Well didn't except him to show up, but that was the plan all along, wasn't it. Make us think it was Riley, well me anyway, great job! This should be interesting, especially if Riley see him there. Great stuff, and loved Dawn's reply for her to RUN, that is what she's best at, well...and killing things. Thanks.
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/08/2006 06:18 am
just what buffy needs, the poof. dawn's love for her friend is only slightly ahead of her 'crush' on her friend. she will work it out. excellent read, thank you.
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/07/2006 10:37 pm
1)Loved the Buffy/Spike/Dawn bonding
2)Seriously, whatever you do to the bad guy better be good. And painful-physically, mentally, emotionally- death would be way to easy.
3)Angel? I don't know why but I'm really hoping he ain't the bad guy.
so glad you liked angel even then, because i was subtlely trying to do that... :) thanx so much, love :)

12/07/2006 04:28 am
The plot thickens! You are truly wicked, and I just love it. :)
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/06/2006 07:56 pm
ok what the heck is he doing there? He was so not the person I expected to be at the door. I'm thinking they need to keep Spike away from everyone who's not them because they don't know who hurt him or what his response will be to new people. Just them and Anya is enough.

I'm really disgusted by whoever was hurting Spike and the glee they seem to take in hurting him for no reasons and taking their inadequacies out on him. I am so glad Buffy found him and took him away.

How priceless is the idea of all of them in bed watching Lifetime. While Spike enjoyed his passions, this might be too much. However I'm sure that kiss on the forehead made it all worthwhile. Got to love when those ingrained patterns work out for the best
thanx for another thoughtful review, love...much appreciated :)

12/06/2006 07:40 am
WTF???? =O
Angel? He better behave himself.
Great chapter! Can't wait to find out what the Great Poof wants. ;)
fortunately he's here to help this time :)

12/06/2006 07:01 am
GAHHH! Do NOT let him in the house, Buffy.

12/06/2006 03:41 am
Well, it can't be Angel, cause the bad guy is human, right? Spike said so and that's why he didn't do anything, at least I think that's what I remember. Angel is probaby there cause he can feel something is wrong. Besides, I have a big feeling it's Riley (looks at your other stories)
you're very right, love..but also very wrong :P lol

12/06/2006 03:15 am
Okay - you totally gobsmacked me. Just when I think I've figured stuff out, you throw something else at us! I love the way you are bringing this fic along and keeping up guessing about the bad guy.
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/06/2006 02:17 am
Well, Angel was a surprise at the end. Wonder how the two vampires will react to one another?
we'll see :)

12/06/2006 01:42 am
What a stinker you are Dreams. I had just crossed Angel off my list.
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/06/2006 12:18 am
Uh.....holy he here to help? That would actually be nice to see, since it isn't written often.

Pretty sure it's Riley in the caves. Xander has more sense than to think demons would avoid him for his association with Buffy. He knows he doesn't have the skills, and has been a target plenty of times before. Riley has suffered no such event.

Poor Dawn...she'd like to be first in Spike's affections still, but Buffy's still there....even if it kills him. Unfair, from a certain point of view, since she was the only one who was always kind, and always loved him.
thanx for another thoughtful review, love...much appreciated :)

12/05/2006 11:36 pm
grrr lol i was convinced it was riley that time. all the talk was very riley but then for angel to show up then? kinda now i'm back between riley/angel. but i am pretty sure at this point that its not xander and can rule out giles seeing as how he's not in town.great work
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/05/2006 10:11 pm
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, you did it again. Ok, now I';m thinking its between Angel and Riley,lol. Can't wait for more.
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/05/2006 09:57 pm
well, the bad guy knows his "prey" is gone. Nice twist but I just don't believe it is Angel..possible he just knows family has been hurt and is coming to find out what has happened. I am still thinking either Riley or Xander. Great fantastic story and you are wonderful with updates!
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 09:48 pm
I still don't think it's Angel, despite your efforts to further confound the issue. However, He might be useful, if he can see past his issues with Spike to realize that whoever did this did it to his FAMILY.
Your interlude with the bad guy almost has me thinking it might be Xander again...AHG! You're driving me as batty as Dru!
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 07:17 pm
You're donig this just to throw us off the scent aren't you? You're trying to make us think it's Angel, so I'll bet it's not. (In my mind, that's logic.)
lol...all much clearer now, isn't it?

12/05/2006 07:10 pm
!!! Now that's a surprise! This should get very interesting, if Angel's there to protect & defend. I'm still assuming that Spike's torturer is human.
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/05/2006 06:54 pm
BTW my money is STILL on Riley (that little freak line especially....soooooo Riley as well as his being pissed that Buffy still doesn't see him because of Spike.) but it will be interesting to see what Angel brings to the mix. I hope the jackass says something about Spike deserving it and Buffy goes off on him (and sees what a self righteous ass he first love really is).

Okay, that is all .... I swear I think about this story off and on all day and haunt the net for updates! It's crack I tell you! LOL

thanx for another thoughtful review, love...much appreciated :)

12/05/2006 06:49 pm
Crap...just when I had eliminated the brooder as the miserable swine torturer! You, missy, are being quite naughty and the pixies are all singing songs about how you shan't be permitted cakes at the party!

Wow....sweet scene with the trio on the bed. I can see Spike soaking up the affection at the same time the TV starts to add to his relearning process (how appropriate for Love's Bitch to get a reeducation between two women while watching Lifetime!!! LOL).....William would be chuffed.

The entry of the frustrated $%^& was chilling and hinted at times passed......Oh how I'll enjoy the revenge when it does happen.

This is still superb! Sweet chapter in spite of the omenous parts.

thanx for another thoughtful review, love...much appreciated :)

12/05/2006 06:39 pm
OOOooo... Nice plot twist...

I really like this story...

This is Passions for me...*wink*
thanx, love, so glad you like it :)

12/05/2006 06:29 pm
Is it him?????Excellent chapter yet again. You`re incredible.
thanx so much, love ;)

12/05/2006 05:33 pm
whoa was it ANGEL?
nope :)

12/05/2006 05:06 pm
Hmm, the bad guy has got to be Riley, right?

And what does the Broody One want, I wonder?

Loving the bonding sessions!
glad you're enjoying the story, thanx so much :)

12/05/2006 04:56 pm
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 04:53 pm
"Red Herring " Alert :) Wonder what the poof will say?
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 04:44 pm
Another top chapter -- you are excelling yourself with this one. Who's aknocking at the door? Completely not what I was expecting! You certainly know how to up the ante! It's torture!
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 04:41 pm
What are Angel doing here? Oh, please update soon, I almost can't wait for the next chapter.
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 03:59 pm
Two surprises, one for the bad guy and one for Buffy. And now we have three suspects.
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 03:36 pm
The plot thickens. The sadistic SOB that hurt Spike, I want to hurt him. Great storytelling.
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying it.. :)

12/05/2006 03:35 pm
Of course, my mind immediately spiralled into, "Bad Guy is Angel!" and "But the author is trying to throw us off, so Bad Guy must *not* be Angel!" and then the cycle sort of starts repeating itself and getting silly. I can't wait for the next chapter. I'm looking forward to seeing Anya back in the mix too.
thanx for another thoughtful review, love...much appreciated :)