Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Possessive

12/17/2006 07:25 am
Surprised that Angel couldn't sense something form Riley besides repulsion. Great last line! Only a few more to go and I'm all caught up, darn. Glad there's still a few more left. Great read! Thanks.
well now maybe you understand why angel didn't sense anything from riley :) lol...thanx for the review, glad you're still into the fic :)

12/13/2006 01:52 am
well this is going to be interesting. What with both of them feeling very possessive about a certain hurt vampire. I'm a little creeped out by Angel's response though, sice it seems more demon oriented and propiatary than anything else. Buffy should still be on guard with him even though he's not the one that hurt Spike this time. I'm a little surprised that both Riley and Xander thought there was a chance in hell Buffy was going to stake Spike, even if it was to "put him out of his misery"
well, i think angel's response is typical vampire behavior when it comes to his childe...but he doesn't intend Spike any harm...he just might turn out to be buffy's best ally in protecting him...oh wait...that's dawn, never mind! :P lol

12/12/2006 03:12 am
all I can say is Possessive Angel has nothing on the possessive slayer. love the chapter and her take charge attitude.
thanx for the review, glad you're enjoying the story :)

12/10/2006 10:50 pm

12/10/2006 09:22 pm
has to be xander. angel is out now and riley looks way to obvious. so either its xander or there is someone else who i have not looked at yet. could be that the scent of the attacker was just on xander/riley or angel.. i was thinking giles for a while but he's not in town yet.
smart :) good deduction, love ;)

12/10/2006 02:52 am
i absolutely love all of your work, and this story is no exception. you distract me from many a day's work, lol. please, keep writing and update soon. thanks so much.
thanx so much, love :)

12/10/2006 02:43 am
Adding to say that Buffy needs to use Angel as her own personal bloodhound now that he wants to help. Think beyond the squickyness of the smelling, and do some detective work. Xander should remember enough of Angelus that he'd be pissing his pants if that anger was turned towards him.

I think we also need some hacking done to find out how Riley really got to be back in Sunnydale. You don't just resign the military. They either kick you out, or you have to serve your term. Was he Section 8-ed for being too psycho on the job? Did he go AWOL because he's too obsessed to stay away?

It would be very interesting to see Spike's reaction if one of those guys was gone....
thanx, love :)

12/10/2006 12:48 am
Poor Buffy - surrounded by idiots and lying idiots at that. Bitch slap them all and toss them out of the house. Too bad there isn't a de-invite spell for humans. Great chapter. Hope you're ready to post more because we are greedy.
thanx, love :P

12/10/2006 12:41 am
excellent read, thank you. you could have angel torture both riley and xan for weeks. then turn them and torture them longer. have buffy finally find out and dust angel. spike could dust the other two! spike,s happy, i am happy. ok, so not going to happen.
thanx, love :)

12/10/2006 12:32 am
Wow, can't wait for that throw down. But - I really want the whomping of Spike's torturer to begin first.

12/09/2006 10:15 pm
Do we have to do the whole homocentric sire thing with Angel? This is a great story...and that is not gonna add to the greatness.
first of all, the sire thing doesn't have to be homocentric, love, and the way i write it, it wont be...but you know, the story is what it is, the way i'll write it, and if you don't like it, there are hundreds of others out there to try...
please don't tell me how to write mine...
especially when you can't even bring yourself to sign your name to your comment...

12/09/2006 08:51 pm
Wow! This was another good chapter. I'm still going with Riley as the bad guy though. I think things are going to be a little tense between Buffy and Angel. Can't wait for more.
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 07:11 pm
Didn't think it was possible but this just keeps getting better. Ihave ruled out Angel but don't trust Xander or Riley. They are either very good with deception and hiding the truth but I have to say it does my heart to see Angel angry about this. Buffy needs his help and protection.
This is so fantastic!!
thanx so much, love :)

12/09/2006 06:52 pm
You keep me guessing although now I'm convinced it''s not Angel. So it's between the two original bad guys again. They both are playing it so cool. Buffy was focusing all her energy on Angel that she missed certain cues I'm sure. Keep up the wonderful storyline!
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 06:21 pm
Good stuff! Sooo,not Angel. I don't thing Xander would be able to fake his responses that well. So Riley? Or maybe someone we haven't thought about yet??
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 06:10 pm
OH LOL at the shared "Mine!" I am picturing that far too easily as Slayer and Sire go tooth and nail over a bemused Spike *G*.

Oh yeah....gotta be Riley. Xander just wouldn't be able to keep the cool exterior "suprise" reaction that Riley's training would have made easy for the ex-operative.

Excellent confrontation that revealed much but not TOO much at this point. My favorite reveals are emotional and also historical. Buffy has finally seen Angel as Angelus, not seperate, and admitted him capable of such torture. She has discovered a dark past from the vampires old days and not been, "not Angel!", about it. The tender feelings for Spike in both Angel and Buffy are becoming more and more clear in all ways.

Xander should contiue to be a jerk and finally have the floor wiped up with him by both Sire and Slayer before he comes to his senses (Anya whaping him would be of the good too).

As for Riley......oh my, the things I'd love to see done to THAT monster!!!! I always saw that darkness in him onscreen too (His deliberate luring of Sandy the agreeable vampire only to stake her, the plastic staking come to mind in particular as well as his non caring attitude towards a captured Oz until he realized it was Buffy's friend.) Oh yeah, gonna LOVE that part when you get to it. Lucky for me I always love the "drive" with your stories and not ony the "destination".


lol, what a difference 20 chapters make :P lol

12/09/2006 04:15 pm
so it's either riley or xander then right?
that much is right :)

12/09/2006 04:01 pm
Oooh! Interesting contest you've got going there. Thanks!
thanx, love ;)

12/09/2006 03:46 pm
You must reveal who the sadist is. I am begging you. Great chapter.
by now you know, eh? :)

12/09/2006 03:14 pm
Never thought I'd say this but...yeah Angel! At least they're on the same side for now. And the idea of having the Slayer and a possesive, angry vampire that has been known to eat people, even though he has a soul...after revenge, has got to be freaking our "Mr.X" out just a little bit! :) Can't wait to see what happens next.
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 02:51 pm
Both possessive to a fault; I hope that they can work together for Spike's sake. And Buffy doesn't seem to realize that the tormentor is still someone in the room, even if she believes Angel.
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 02:48 pm
I can't wait to see what happens with this little jealousy thing that Buffy and Angel have going here.
After reading the reviews for the last chapter, I realized that you hadn't really said who chained Spike up and torured him...I just assumed it had been Xander. I still believe it was Xander.
thanx, love ... and you were right...

12/09/2006 02:44 pm
You know, I think Riley and Xander have to have nerves of steel, with both of those scary individuals promising retribution. Although, shouldn't Angel's senses be able to pick up scents of fear and will Buffy take him back to the scene of the torture to see what he can smell? Great update, can't wait for more.
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 02:27 pm
Well, now we see what the latest challenge is going to be! :) However, as usual, you haven't given up enough clues to definitively guess who the bad guy is. I'm leaning towards Riley, but ...You're too good to make me completely sure!
I like that Angel is being helpful in this story, even though he is a challenge to Buffy and Spike's relationship. I never thought he was all bad - just not the right guy for her at this point.
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 01:26 pm
I can't wait for the Angel/Buffy pissing contest over Spike--not to mention Dawn's I-never-liked-you protectiveness. I don't think Angel is quite prepared to deal with I'm-over-you Buffy stubbornness, he's only really had to deal with desperately-in-love-with-you-and-would-do-almost-anything-to-appease-you Buffy.
lol...yeah but angel will turn out to be a pretty decent guy in this fic :)

12/09/2006 12:39 pm
Go Buffy and Angel. Can't wait until they get their revenge.
Great chapter, update soon.
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 12:08 pm
Wow! Great chapter, I am stunned! Angel and Buffy both possessive of Spike... I think someone is gone get hurt a lot for hurting Spike! The divine justice, he will be punished by a slayer and 2 powerful master vampires (hopefully Spike will be better and have his own vengeance too). And both of the boys play innocent, and it is not easy to understand which one is guilty. And I guess Giles is coming too, so the next chapters will be even more exciting huh?
Well, I can’t wait!
Update soon please, I don’t think I can survive if you don’t. Too curious.
thanx, love, so glad you enjoyed it :)

12/09/2006 11:04 am
Love the clashing between Angel and Buffy.

Fabulous chapter. :)
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 10:28 am
The guys are playing their cards very close to their chests. Very cool, not a flicker of reaction to be seen. Holy Suspenders!
thanx, love :)

12/09/2006 10:13 am
YES, we're getting a bit og Angelus, woot. Man, so do I see a fight over Spike in the future? Both of them see him as theirs. Can't wait for more.
lol :) thanx, love

12/09/2006 10:08 am
A little demon-to-demon tete-a-tete, eh? "Mine" goes beyond the psyches of Slayer or Sire....the deepest, oldest, recognition towards another...

Still thinking Xander's being pretty genuine. Riley is responding true to form, anyway, but he hasn't ruled himself out.

Pretty obvious thing here, Buffy - Spike either recognized scent and/or voice. Angel's probably going to have to remind her of that... different things look now, eh, love? :)

12/09/2006 09:53 am
Hee! Lovin' the possessive fighting over Spike.

And I can't believe that Buffy keeps being suspicious and Angel and Xander, but when Riley doesn't look surprised, she just thinks "oh, he's probably used to that" and thinks no further. Grrr... can I shake the girl? Please?
lol...things look a bit different now, don't they? :)

12/09/2006 09:40 am
gosh i'm going on holidays and i need my fix more chapters please

12/09/2006 08:45 am
::cheers:: Angelus and Buffy agreeing on something! Whoever hurt Spike, whether it was Xander or Riley, but hope that something else gets them first. I love how this story is going. =)

Though one a side note, Buffy being jealous of Angel because Spike's demon seemed to want his sire was kinda cute. If Spike was sane he'd get a kick out of it. ;)
thanx, love, so glad you liked it :)