Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Lessons Learned

03/03/2007 03:43 am
Giles the English teacher. PRICELESS! LMAO!
lol...i liked the idea ;)

01/05/2007 12:42 pm
I'm finally catching up. Should have left a dozen reviews by now but got caight up in reading. Giles teaching Spike? That should be fun
lol...thanx for all the reviews, love, much appreciated :)

12/21/2006 06:46 am
very good read, thank you. loved the last line.
thanx so very much for your kind words, glad you're enjoying the fic :)

12/20/2006 08:26 pm
Oh yes Giles he has to have that cute , sexy accent that he knows how to use so well
of course, love :)

12/20/2006 07:51 pm

been reading on for a while and just caught the recent. loving it, cant wait to reap vengance.... hopefully on riley.

keep it up!
thanx so much for your kind review, love, glad you are enjoying the fic :)

12/20/2006 05:33 pm
loved the last line"someone who's actually English" priceless"!. great story thanks
lol..glad you liked that bit... *somebody* has to teach him his accent, don't they?

12/20/2006 06:57 am
Yay DoS! Thanks for bringing the accent back. Spike just isn't himself without it. :D
i completely agree :) thanx, love :)

12/20/2006 04:09 am
yay Giles, Spike needs that English accent. it's too darn please update soon. thanks!
nope can't have our fave brit vamp without the brit, now can we?

12/20/2006 02:54 am
Guess it's a good thing Giles came back after all. Hope Anya has something really nasty in mind. Good chapter.
well, it might be a bit tough for anya to pull it off, considering who the culprit is :(

12/19/2006 09:01 pm
I cannot get enough of this story!! I love it, and I can't wait to see what happens when Buffy gets closer to finding out who did this to Spike!! Love your writing... keep up the amazing work!!
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 07:39 pm
I just read your entire story, even though I should be working, and the last sentence in all 24 chapters was the absolute BEST. I love Giles assessment that if Spike is to learn English it should be frome someone who is indeed English!
thanx, love

12/19/2006 04:58 pm
OK, it's not often I actually laugh out loud at somethihng I read, but that last line sure did it! I'm just glad I'm here alone at the moment...
Love love LOVE this story!!
thanx so much, love, so glad you liked that bit :)

12/19/2006 04:36 pm
LOL!!!! Oh how I do love the nitch you've given to Giles in all the recovery process!!! PERFECT!!! Our Spike will sound like himself again (or actually like his William self *G*).

Love Buffy's determination to avenge the evil done to Spike and adore Dawn's behavior.

As always, superb!

thanx so much, love :)

12/19/2006 04:24 pm
Loved Giles's unexpected reaction although it is in character for him.
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 03:41 pm
Great chapter. Hurrah for Dawn, and Giles for giving "our vamp" the proper accent! LOL
thanx, love ;)

12/19/2006 03:39 pm
Great to see this twist and I'm counting on Giles to be one of hte 'good guys' in this one.
thanx, love, glad you like :)

12/19/2006 03:27 pm
How funny is Giles demanding that Spike learn how to speak english with a proper accent! Dear lord the man was horrified that he had learned to speak without proper enuciation. Loved that almost as much as Spike deciding that Giles wouldn't hurt him because he was afraid of Buffy and Buffy was keeping him safe. If only he knew how much she was willing to do to keep him safe. if Anya's impressed and a little scared about Buffy's need for vengance than I can only imagine what she'll come up with. I really liked the scene between Dawn and Spike, his desire to learn and her praise when he did something right. He really is growing.
thanx so much, love

12/19/2006 02:07 pm
Just read this and the last chapters and loved them and I have to confess, I wait until more than one chapter is up before reading. Spike desperate to learn and Giles was hilarious about his "english" and yet Spike is so heartrending in have such a fantastic story here!
Thanks for the quick updates!
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 01:43 pm
ROFL! And here I was worried that Giles didn't want Spike to recover and was going to do something to see that he remained brain damaged. Loved it!
thanx so much, love :)

12/19/2006 09:58 am
I'm so relieved Giles is helping -- have to admit I feared the worst!
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 08:30 am
Okay, so Giles is helping in a totally Gilesean way. I'm glad he's decided to actually be of assistance, and that he obviously is NOT the guilty party.
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 08:27 am
Looking forward to Giles learning Spike to speak 'proper English'. I was proud of Spike when he learned all those words.
Great chapter, hope you update soon. I love the story.
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 08:21 am
such an wasone setiment from giles go him. i may not be english but aussie are close enagh and i belieave in propper grammer even if i don always use it
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 08:03 am
Well, if he's going to learn to speak English," Giles explained with mild exasperation, and a solemn resignation, "he'd best learn it from someone who's actually -- well, *English*!
So Giles really wants to help, but where is Angel, and the shooter?

thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 07:56 am
rofl, he no longer has his british accent, no. help giles,lol.
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 07:54 am
::laugh:: I never even thought of that! Hee!
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 07:26 am
Oh i loved this chapter! He is learning so quickly! And its great that Giles is really seeing the damage and not accusing him of faking it. I can't wait for the next update!
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 07:10 am
And just like that, I'm very happy with Giles' presence. I can't stop chuckling.
thanx, love

12/19/2006 06:44 am
lmao loved giles telling dawn that shes teaching him all the wrong words. and very glad that giles is going to help out. really wish anya could tell who the guilty party is (lol wish you would tell too ;) ..
lol...thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 06:24 am
Finally caught up with this story. Its amazing. Spike was so cute in this chapter. Running around trying to learn as much as possible. And then trying to be brave when Giles arrived. I can't wait to see how Giles teaching Spike to be British is going to go. It will definitely be fun.
thanx so much, love :)

12/19/2006 06:07 am
oooh.... this is something new.. i bet giles will help.. maybe i dno...
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 06:06 am
oh now i like giles again. I like that he's gonna teach spike that it's the "telly" and not the "television" hahaha. that rocks!
lol...thansx, love, gald you liked it :)

12/19/2006 06:00 am
Lovely chapter. Tbe ending left me smiling. Every time you post an update it's like getting an early Christmas present. Thank you so much! :)
awww, thanx love :)

12/19/2006 05:24 am
Hee! Giles's indignation made me chuckle.
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 04:56 am
National Pride is an interesting method to get Giles to participate fully in Spike's recovery.
thanx, love, glad you liked it ;)

12/19/2006 04:54 am
haha! The part with Giles there at the last was perfect!
thanx so much, love :)

12/19/2006 04:48 am
ROTFL, it never occured to me that the words he'd learned from them all, including Riley would be with an american accent! That was priceless! Of course Giles would want for Spike to speak in the Queen's english. Thanks for the fantastic chapter and for posting so soon, love this fic!
thanx, love :)

12/19/2006 04:13 am
Oh, I had a feeling this would be what Giles is for, but how you brought it in was just hilarious!!!

Anya and Buffy's convo was pretty funny, too, for Anya's nonchalance about everything vs. Buffy's glaring.

Yay, Spike!
thanx so very much for your kind words, glad you're enjoying the fic :)

12/19/2006 04:01 am
O.k Giles can stay now. Hee-hee. I loved his reaction to Spike speaking. He's upset because Spike's starting to sound like Buffy and Dawn and not British. ::giggles:: That was just great. =D

And a Slayer turned vengance demon? Now that would be interesting but probally something for a different story huh? ;)
thanx, love :)