For Whom The Bell Tolls by LadyYashka
Chapter: Part 1.6

04/25/2007 04:53 am
ohhhhhhhhhhh myy goddddddddd!!!!!!!!!
Please update soon, this is so good, you evil woman dont let us here.
Me? Evil? Why thank you. :evil:

If you want to read parts 7 and 8 they are on my Livejournal.

Glad you liked this story. :)

01/19/2007 10:32 am
Oh, yes, I have read this story! I love the dragon! I love how you're splicing the different world sections together, because the Buffy world kinda makes for good comic relief against the dire conditions of the dragon world. I also like everyone calling Spike father, like Father in the "Beauty and the Beast" tv show. Eagerly awaiting when next you update, and I will review every chappie from now on. (Scolds self for not reviewing and making Lady feel left out)
Thank you Lindsay! *hugs*

I'll update as soon as I can! I've got a few chapters already written and I've rewritten part 7 six times now. I think. :lol:

12/26/2006 07:41 pm
Loved it so far :D I hope you'll have time to put more up soon! :)

Hopefully I'll be able to get back to work on this story soon. Christmas got in my way and then I got sick. =( As soon as I start feeling better I'm going to start working on it again. Thank you for the reviews they made me feel a bit better. =)

12/21/2006 11:05 am
Good chapter, Dawn's in the world with Spike now. Now he's just got to find her.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully I'll have that part written soon. =)

12/21/2006 07:29 am
fun read, thank you. glad to see dawn has her priorities straight, "the cute King"
Dawn's about 17yrs old at this time? Of course she would notice the cute king. ;)

Thank you for the review. =)

12/21/2006 12:51 am
great chapter. glad dawn will finally get to see spike.
Thank you! I'm working on that part now so hopefully I'll have more soon. =)

12/20/2006 08:20 pm
Excellent chapter
Thank you! =)

12/20/2006 06:58 pm
great chapter
Thank you! =)

12/20/2006 03:42 pm
I wonder who'llget to Dawn first, Spike or the Scoobies?
You'll just have to wait and see. ;)

Thanks for the review. =)

12/20/2006 10:05 am
Cute king? Go Dawn!!
Hee-hee We'll see. ;)

12/20/2006 08:40 am
yay, dawn and spike will be reunited, i hope soon,lol. and buffy and co. will be joining them, hurray. can't wait for more.
I've got more written so I should be up dating soon. I just want to be a few chapters ahead of posting with this one.

Thanks for the review and I hope that you'll like the rest of the story as well. =)