Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Coming Clean

03/04/2007 03:22 am
You go Dawnie!

And Hell Yes!

Make he pay in the most painful way possible.
yea, someone finally likes dawn!!!!! i love her, most don't though, even in this fic...and xander will definitely pay for what he did

01/09/2007 01:23 am
very good update, thank you. maybe dawn should take charge?
lol...good idea, actually, since buffy's very clueless at times :) thanx for the review, love, glad you're enjoying it :)

01/08/2007 02:34 pm
Geesh I'm still worried about this plan but can't wait to see it play out. I never thought I'd be so happy to have Angel around as I am here. He won't sit by and give Xander any breaks (maybe a few broken body parts but that's okay).

Part of me wants Xander dead, slow painful death. Then I remember the old rule of the punishment not exceeding the crime and happily settle for months of torture and possible brain damage and smile a smug smile of the righteous.

Poor Spike so worried about Buffy and Dawn and then feeling so guilty (who needs a soul for that, Spike never did)thinking he had endangered them all along.

Oh yeah, Xander must pay.

Excellent as always,

"Part of me wants Xander dead, slow painful death. Then I remember the old rule of the punishment not exceeding the crime and happily settle for months of torture and possible brain damage and smile a smug smile of the righteous."

lol, that's truly priceless, love :) i love your reviews... :) thanx so much for your thoughtful review, glad you'e enjoying it, love :)

01/08/2007 05:00 am
How come I don't completely believe her that Spike agreed? I have a bad feeling about this. I just hope that everything that they have worked on so far with Spike, both the relearning of things and the trust, doesn't suffer any. Looking forward to more.
well, no comment yet as to spike's involvement in the plan...the effects of it might not be the best, though :)

01/08/2007 02:18 am
Ooooo, getting better. I like how Buffy leet Spike know she knew about Xander and how Spike realized by not telling in the first place it took longer for them to figure out who did this. I wonder what he and Angel are going to do. Not dirty, I mean in ways of bonding sire to child. Can't wait for more.
lol...more on spike and angel next chapter... thanx for the review, love :)

01/08/2007 01:49 am
I( am glad that Spike told Buffy everything but I hope that he won't get hurt in this plan. It would be so not of the good. I think that Spike has suffered enough.
thanx for the review, love, glad you're still enjoying the fic :)

01/08/2007 12:08 am
Get him! I'm generally not for revenge, but Xander's proven that he's capable of horrible things. I'm really enjoying the story and eagerly anticipate the next chapter.
yes, xander deserves to pay....thanx for the review, love :)

01/07/2007 06:37 pm
The total creepiness that is Xander - ewww. Can't wait for Xander to get his butt kicked.
soon, love :) thanx for the review :)

01/07/2007 06:15 pm
Yeah, they really have to be prepared for Xander to act like a cornered animal once he's confronted with this. he'd going to panic, lose his cool, and it'll either be "fight or flight". And someone will get in the way. It's just the odds.
your assessment is probably pretty accurate... :) thanx for the review, love :)

01/07/2007 06:05 pm
Thanks for the update! As per usual, you leave me wanting more!
thanx, so glad you're enjoying it, love :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 05:48 pm
Oh, I can't wait for the showdown!
thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 05:07 pm
Oh wow! I really didn't think that Spike would be ok with the plan. I hope Xander does pay dearly, but I don't think I want to see Buffy kill him....I don't think she would be able to deal with that. Or Dawn for that matter. Great chapter !!
xander's fate will be a bit coming yet :( thanx for the review, love :)

01/07/2007 05:00 pm
fabulous, again...and as always, please update soon, I can't get enough of this story. thanks.
thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 04:28 pm
Finally, Spike admits it! I'm sure Buffy and Dawn are proud of him for this show of strength as well as his bravery for agreeing to the plan. I just things work out for them; I don't think I can bear much more Spike torture.

Another wonderful chapter. Bravo!
thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 04:28 pm
Ohhh... ya know 2 updates in 1 day would be a lovely present for us!!! hahaha loved this chapter... cannot wait for the plan to go ahead and see what happens! It's ok if there isn't another update, Im just happy this story is progressing so well!! Excellent work!
2 in one day...hah! lol.. :P i'm doing good to get one out every two days lately :)

01/07/2007 04:11 pm
Phew -- it's a relief that he's been able to come clean. Can't wait for the plan!
thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 04:08 pm
I'm glad Spike told Buffy the whole truth about how Xander was makign him keep quiet about the abuse. It's good that they will go into the situation prepared for all possibilities, since I think Xander would try and harm them once he knows they know. Xander had better watch out for Dawn, since she seems more ready to attack than Buffy does in this moment. Interesting that Spike was awed by Angel's presence and that Buffy was jealous of Spike's innate response to his sire
yes, buffy's very possessive of spike, though before she would not have admitted it...and dawn will do all she can to protect him...thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 04:05 pm
Well its about damn time this all got out in the open, lol. Great chapter. I'm looking forward to seeing Spike's interaction with Angel. That happening any time soon?
next chapter, actually :) thanx, love

01/07/2007 04:03 pm
Great chapter! Xander should be very afraid of Dawnie, love the progress in the story.
thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 03:52 pm
oh MAN! Thank you!

I am so excited for the next Chapter!!!!!!

thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 03:50 pm
Please! What's the plan?! This is worse than not knowing who did it!
And - IDIOT Buffy! I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt until now - she needed to know that it was Xander. But Spike just TOLD her - what more proof does she need??? Come ON!! Why does she need to go through with this plan when she has just been told, in no uncertain terms, who hurt Spike? It just doesn't make any sense _at all_.
well, mostly, she wants xander to have no room for excuses, and for giles and anya and anyone else involved to have no question as to his guilt either....thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 02:35 pm
....and then Custard said, "Forward men!"

*Plays a Taps on a Bugle*

This will not end well at all. may be right :)

01/07/2007 01:34 pm
YESSSS! Ooh, perhaps Angel will get to beat him some too? I believe I would enjoy reading that ^__^
Great chapter!
that just might happen :)

01/07/2007 12:32 pm
yay! spike told *happy dance*
poor spike is so lost and afraid, I just want to give him a hug...

I can't wait to see Anya's reaction to all of this, I hope she does alot of damage to Xander.

Great chapter, thanks for the speedy updates! :)
oh i think everybody deserves to hurt, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 11:56 am
woot woot!! yay, im excited! Xander bash-age! Hehe *again, does happy dance! lol*
lol...thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 11:44 am
I'm right there with Buffy. Make Xander pay.
Great chapter.
thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 11:39 am
Is it tomorrow yet?
lol....not yet :)

01/07/2007 11:17 am
Yes! make him pay, that's what we all want. Can't way to see just what they have in mind for him and what will Anya think about this. I'd sure find the gun first, just in case he still might carry out his threat. So happy that Spike understands that he's safe and that everything's out in the open. Dawn's got that scarey thing going for her and I say good for her! Thanks DOS for the update. Fabulous chapter.
thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 11:12 am
Still don't like this plan....really feel uneasy about it.

About time Angel and Spike get some time together. I'm really interested in what Angel would say/do for teaching, or whatever.

Poor Spike....these levels of subterfuge are beyong him still, so he can't help but feel that he's always screwing up. He doesn't know how to tell that people are lying or deliberately trying to trick him. His mind is still to childish not to accept all statements as facts.
more on spike and angel next chapter...and you're right, spike is not able to tell when he's being played, whether by xander with his threats, or by buffy in her desire to pull off her plan :)

01/07/2007 11:01 am
yay xanders in trouble, bout time cant wait till find out your ideas on pyback, so glad angel got timw with spike, he can be good when done in charector right and i'm liking what yourve done. it might be nice if angel and buffy feeds sire and slayers blood to spike it would be a really touching seen any ways just an idea hope to get an update soon
that just might happen :)...thanx, love, so glad you're enjoying it :) more soon :)

01/07/2007 10:59 am
I'm hoping that Angel will be able to help Spike regain more of himself. I know this is a sideline, but I can't help but be curious about how the vampires relationship will go with a childe who regards Angel with "wonder and awe" rather than Angelus with jealousy and contempt.
yeah, this kind of gives both angel and buffy the chance to start over and do things right this time :)