Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Ready or Not

06/30/2010 10:25 pm

01/17/2007 09:58 am
this story is getting better and better with each and every new chapter. And now Spike is coming back to his old self... I think he should be the one to punish Xander. Since bullet wounds are a lot bigger where they left the flesh, the chip must be destroyed. Yes?
thanx, love, glad you're enjoying it...and i think you're right...not answering about the chip though, that will be revealed soon :)

01/17/2007 12:39 am
excellent read, thank you.
you're most welcome love, thanx :)

01/17/2007 12:27 am
I like that he included Dawn in his meltdown and seems to be remembering their connection. Buffy better watch out when Dawn learns about some of the circumstances of their relationship. Spike is right to try and keep it from her in order to keep the peace, as she is clearly very protective of him. I hope he can realize that Buffy is being honest now, that she does love him and she won't allow him to be hurt. How cute was Anya and her lack of subtlety about spending time with Giles
thanx, glad you liked it, i wanted to show that spike still feels his intense bond with dawn, and that he is perceptive enough still to know to include her...things will unfortunately be getting a bit worse before they get better, though :)

01/16/2007 02:30 pm
Seems like Buffy's going to destroy Spike for Xander's sake.
if she's not careful, she might end up doing just that :(

01/16/2007 10:40 am
He's learning too much too fast -- please don't let him be overwhelmed when he's made so much progress! Can't wait to see what the plan is.
yes, it's all a bit overwhelming for him...more soon, love :)

01/16/2007 08:58 am
I still don't like the plan.
Poor Spike, first Buffy messed with him so much the previous year, and then Xander shot and abused him, no wonder he has a her time believing Buffy when she said she loved him.
yeah, the poor guy's been through an awful lot ... thanx for the review, love...more on the plan soon :)

01/16/2007 07:48 am
awwwww poor spike.
:( poor baby

01/16/2007 07:28 am
awwww! I hope they get what they need from this plan and get Xander the hell away from Spike. It' kinda terrible that they're even bothering when they KNOW he did it. Maybe they are just doing it to let HIM know they know....I still vote for Hammer-Smack time.
i agree...but poor spike is gonna have a hard time going through with this plan :(

01/16/2007 07:11 am
Separate late nights. *snort* Now, I'm eagerly awaiting a couple of Xander related things. "The plan" and his discovery of the Giles/Anya non-thing that Buffy is ignoring.
lol...yeah, he won't take too kindly to that... :) thanx for the review, love :)

01/16/2007 05:51 am
Forget Buffy, Spike! *I* love you! *I* love you, damn it! Immortal will protect you from rat bastard Xander and Evil DoS who's going to turn you over to him and scare you more to death. I'll tell you a secret, Baby: I don't think that chip is in your head anymore. So, don't your worry. You can kick Xander's ass.
lol...*shhhh!* you'll ruin the story for everybody else if you keep reading my mind like this!!! but i'm not going to tell you which part (or parts) you may or may not be right about... :P thanx so much for the review, love :)

01/16/2007 04:47 am
I'm so glad to see Spike so far advanced in his recovery but sad to see him afraid to trust in Buffy's promise.
Looking forward to your next update!
well, we may see that he's smart not to trust in it too fully...buffy's really not handling his trust too well at the moment :(

01/16/2007 04:42 am
aww so sad... it pains me to see that xanders words still haunt him :(
yes, and they probably will for a while :( poor guy

01/16/2007 04:17 am
can't wait to get this plan in action, but spike's having second thoughts about buffy and her feelings.i hope that doesn't get in his way and mess up the plan.
yeah, the plan might not go so well...thanx so much for your review, love :)

01/16/2007 03:56 am
So much for him to process. Xander really did a number on him, who knew he could be that effective as a torturer. Just hate that he's going to have to face him again. Leave it to Anya to provide the comic relief. Dawn's like a dog with a bone, she may bury it to keep it safe but she will dig it up later. It was great to hear Spike call Dawn luv. Another great chapter, DOS, thanks.
yeah, spike's got a lot to recover from..and fortunately dawn is *completely* in his corner...buffy's still a bit undecided in spite of her feelings for him...she just cant bring herself to fully accept xander's guilt without seeing it for herself...thanx so much for the review, love :)

01/16/2007 03:46 am
Poor Spike! Right now, I wish he would not worry about Buffy so much and just remember what Angel told him. Spike needs to realize he can take his power back from Xander. I cannot wait for the next update!!
yes, you've got it completely right, spike needs to understand that he doesn't have to be a victim...but that's easier said than done :(

01/16/2007 03:43 am
Too bad his sense of self hasn't come back, yet.

Perceptive girl, our Dawnie. All the bruising on Spike's face at Buffy's birthday party is really going to make sense soon.
not fully, no...and dawn is starting to put it together ... thanx for your review, love :)

01/16/2007 03:04 am
Oi. Dawn needs to learn when to keep her nose out of other people's business! Besides, the way Buffy treated Spike was in no way worse then him raping her.. wonder if he remembers that yet?

I'm so happy that he's progressing so far!
well, i have to say i kind of disagree, love...dawn is the only one fully in spike's corner at the moment...and if you'll recall, the infamous attempted rape never occurred in this story...this story picked up with spike being shot, immediately following "entropy"...i hope that clears it up for you a bit :)

01/16/2007 03:02 am
DoS - you're breaking my heart here!
good *hehe* :) thanx,love :)

01/16/2007 02:21 am
I have been waiting all day for an update and you did not dissapoint. I hope that Spike will not go through much more angst. I hope that there plan for Xander goes well.
thanx, glad you liked the update...yes, there is more angst ahead for spike...but he will come out of it victorious :)

01/16/2007 01:50 am
Oh so Xander injected Buffy into his rants. Poor Spike. He doesn't know what to believe. But I believe in the Power of Love!
yeah, xander used a lot of mind games on the poor guy...but he'll come out okay in the end :)

01/16/2007 01:50 am
*Stupid,* Xander’s voice echoed in his head, derisive and full of mocking disgust. *Don’t you get it? This is her perfect chance! I told you she’d get sick of your stupid, annoying mistakes – that she’d see how bad and worthless you are – and give you back to me! That’s all she’s doing, Spike! That’s how this day is going to end – she’s going to give you back to me!* blood just ran cold! I have a very, very bad feeling that this plan is going to go so far south that they'll have to look North to see the penguins! Xander is bound to get Spike away from his protectors and Spike will be sure Buffy gave him to Xander......gaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

My fingernails are frayed! Excellent cliffhanger here.

glad i got that sort of's what i was going for..if you think *this* chappie gives you that feeling though...wait til the next one!!! lol
thanx for a great review as always, love, much appreciated :)

01/16/2007 01:48 am
Poor Spike!! What a war he is having with himself. I hope he figures out that she wouldn't do that to him.
he's still got a bit to go through before it all becomes okay...thanx for the review, love :)

01/16/2007 01:40 am
Poor Spike, I was thinking that some memories would make this trial easier on him, not present him with more doubts.
well, it helps in some ways, but it's not like his history with buffy was all that happy to begin with :(

01/16/2007 01:25 am
thanks for the update!
you're very welcome, love, glad you liked it :)

01/16/2007 12:46 am
Great chapter, but I can't help wondering when you're going to be addressing the issue of Xander? (Sorry, but I'm ready to see someone kick his ass!)
coming right up, love :)

01/16/2007 12:22 am
Buffy beware, sister Dawn is going to beat your butt. I suppose evil writer is now going to hand Spike over to disgusting Xander, breaking Spike's trust forever, or at least for a while.
not telling what's going to happen, but thanx for the review, love, glad you enjoyed the chapter :)