Because He Needs Me by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: In Motion

01/25/2007 02:42 pm
And yet again... Dawn the Annoying Brat strikes.... can Xander shoot her before they stop him? *bats eyes*, he can't :P

01/21/2007 02:42 am
I so want to smack Buffy. What is wrong with her!?! How can she not see the absolute terror Spike is in? Especially when Angel and Dawn are highlighting it to her. I don't care what her reasons for following through with this plan are, it's going to end badly because it just highlights the ways Spike can't, and shouldn't, trust her. Especially if she would willingly subject him to Xander.
yes, buffy is being exceptionally stupid :( more soon, love :)

01/20/2007 06:01 am
Who would have thought that Angel would be the only sensible person in Spike's life (or considerate). Dawn counts too but she isn't as forceful as Angel. Hope he doesn't let things go too far for Spike to handle. I hope he is suspicious enough to be ready to rescue Spike when this plan goes south.

The tension mounts.

we'll see...yes, dawn and angel are spike's best allies at the moment...and buffy's plan is definitely headed out of her control :(

01/20/2007 02:58 am
ok, yeah she's being a bitch but i understand buffy. she wants everything going acording to her world, and if all is off then she has to make it right. but poor spike. and angel and dawn were right. i want angel to kill xander, but that must be saved for when spike gets back to normal.
thanx, glad i'm keeping her in character, i'm trying to...we'll see who gets to kill xander in the end :)

01/20/2007 12:03 am
“selfish, super-hero, super-powered, super-*bitch* older sister”. dawn's comments seem to cover it, well. very good read, thank you.
thanx, love, glad you enjoyed it :)

01/19/2007 10:27 pm
Buffy you bitch! Evil writer.
awww, be nice ;P.... more soon, love :)

01/19/2007 09:45 pm
Poor Spike, always trying to be brave for the sake of others. I can understand Buffy wanting to be absolutely sure, but poor Spike shouldn't have to face that kind of danger to get protection. Wonderful story, as always. ;)
you're so right... :( ... buffy's thinking more about her own issues than about spike's safety, and he may end up paying the price for her selfishness :(

01/19/2007 05:03 pm
Please please don't let anything happen to Spike. Thanks for the update.
well, certain things have to happen to advance the plot in the direction i want it to go...but it will end happily...that much i can promise you :) thanx for the review, love :)

01/19/2007 04:20 pm
You know...I agree with Angel and Dawn on this one. Buffy is being a...well you know. Personaly, I think this *is* all for her. What more proof does she need? Spike's already *told* her. And, right now, he doesn't have the capacity to lie to her- as if he ever did before. Besides that, everything about Spike's demeanor screams at her to put a stop to this.

But, she won't do it. I think she subconsiously wants to hurt him some more- because of what he did with Anya- and that is just, plain and simple, heartless and cruel.

I think Buffy is too busy sailing down a river in Egypt right now to see that Dawn and Angel are on the right track here.
you're right, angel and dawn have the right idea with this one...but buffy just refuses to accept it...there may be a subconscious resentment toward the whole thing with anya, but mostly she just refuses to accept the truth about xander until she sees it with her own eyes... :( thanx for a thoughtful review, love :)

01/19/2007 04:13 pm
Aw, poor Spike! Buffy is really enjoying her stay in Egypt once again isn't she?
unfortunately, yes :(

01/19/2007 03:45 pm
Another great chapter -- and thanks so much for being so prompt with the updates. It's *much* appreciated.

Anyways, now in addition to wanting the much-needed Xander thrashing, I want to see Buffy catch it and catch it bad. I'm really pissed at her... she's all with the "I love you, Spike", but she's totally putting her needs ahead of Spikes. And the last scene with her basically manipulating him just creeped me out. Please, please, make sure that she gets punched!
thanx so much, love, i'll try to keep them reasonably prompt :) and yes, buffy is really behaving badly at this point, trying so hard to get what she wants that she's doing it at spikes expense .. :(

01/19/2007 03:41 pm
This was the most intense thirty minutes of dialogue I've ever read. I'm on the edge of my seat for the next chappie.
thanx so much, love, so glad you liked it :)

01/19/2007 03:36 pm
will Buffy just never learn. They know that Xander did it. Spike really can't lie that well yet, but she is intent on putting him through this. AUGH... Love how Dawn and yes even Angel was trying to talk her out of it. I just really hope that she doesn't live to regret this night.
i know, buffys really being selfish at this point...but she's so far in denial that she really doesnt see it...thanx so much for a thoughtful review, love, glad you enjoyed the chapter :)

01/19/2007 03:27 pm
Why do I feel something is about to go terribly wrong! Poor Spike. Update soon!
more soon, love :)

01/19/2007 03:25 pm
On pins and needles, waiting ever so impatiently. More soon please!
thanx, love, more soon :)

01/19/2007 03:08 pm
oh god!.... suspense is killing me!!!
lol...more soon, love :)

01/19/2007 03:05 pm
Now the real question is, not what will happen with Spike (we all know, unless you decide to play against the grain on us) but what the fall out will be.

There has to be an Angel/Buffy confrontation. If you truly want to pay off everything, you really should have Angel take Spike away from Buffy, with Spike not struggling.(there is a fic called Escape to Survive, a nice one shot, that I have seen where Angel plays hero very well and saves Spike. I hope this happens like that.)

Second, and probably bigger, will be the fact that Buffy using her strength on Dawn MUST be addressed. Not only because it happened and right now Dawn is mad, but it also plays into Buffy's greatest fault: Buffy is like a wifebeater. She solves her problems with her fists. If this were a man doing that to his daughter, we would be calling for his arrest. The same with Dawn.

Hell, I'd love it if Dawn used the line, "I'd have been safer with dad or in foster care then with you, Buffy."

or, "Mom would be so dissappointed with you."

It's just good storytelling.

Finally, as I have said for a long time, we need some super Buffy angst, with her realizing that she is no better then Xander.
well, you may have a pretty good guess as to what will happen next, but there are reasons for everything...the main one in this story being that spike needs to defeat xander for himself, at least in some way, or he will never truly get past this...and buffy will definitely have to deal with her own weaknesses and selfishness, too...thanx for a thoughtful review :)

01/19/2007 03:02 pm
oh goodness, would someone just please shut Dawn up?! At least Angel, for once, is talking to Dawn rationally. And he's probably right...
honestly, hon, dawnie's got a point here...she's just doing her best to protect her friend...glad you liked the chapter, love :)

01/19/2007 02:38 pm
Nice job of displaying Buffy's motivations and Spike's fears, as well as how the others feel about it. Very well done, but the suspense is killing me.
thanx love, i was hoping it came across well...more soon :)

01/19/2007 02:15 pm
Why am I thinking gloom, doom and more pain for Spike? Methinks Buffy should have listened to Angel and Dawn. Go Dawn!!!I am also hoping that the bullet blew out the chip in Spike's brain and he finds out that he can stand up on his own without depending on Buffy. Here's hoping.......
well, it's not looking good for him...but i agree that he needs to be able to stand up to xander'll see how that will play out, love :)

01/19/2007 02:14 pm
I do SO hope Buffy can keep her promise. She is being pigheaded and rather stupid, but I hope Spike doesn't have to pay the price for it. If anybody gets hurt, I am hoping it is her. That surprises me, but there it is.
Then again, having read some of your other work, I'm pretty sure Xander will get to Spike before Buffy can stop him, causing much trouble with Spike's healing, Dawn and Angel's relationship with her and basically wreaking havoc with everything she has built up since she found Spike.
This chapter has made me so _angry_! And I can't wait for another. :)
yes, buffy's really not handlin this well...and your anger is's quite the reaction i was going for...things are likely to get worse before they get better...but in the end it will all be resolved.. :) thanx for the lovely review, pet :)

01/19/2007 02:14 pm
Bad, bad plan.
Stupid Buffy.
Great chapter.
thanx, love
nice succinct review :)
love it :)

01/19/2007 01:32 pm
I so, so, so do not like this plan.
you're a smart girl :) thanx for the review, love :)

01/19/2007 01:21 pm
I am so nervous for him!!!! I understand Willow wont believe it but wouldn't everyone else without this? Man i am scared for him! Great chapter! thanks for posting!
well, willow definitely wouldn't, and most the others would, but buffy doesn't know how close giles and anya already are to believing it...and really, this is mostly for her own reassurance, though she's trying to put it off on the others..thanx for a great review, love :)

01/19/2007 12:51 pm
So much for free choice, Buffy might not just lose Xander tonight. Excellent Chapter.
you might be right, love...thanx for the review :)

01/19/2007 12:31 pm
I need a sledghammer. Anybody got a sledgehammer? ::looks around for one:: I really need to use it on Buffy.
Is it too much to hope that Angel says "screw the plan" and kills Xander the moment he walks in the door? No? Damn......

Great update and I can't wait for more. Update soon Please! :)
you may have something, there, love :) like your idea...thanx for the review :)

01/19/2007 10:06 am
Tough call. Poor Spike is so afraid, and we're not talking Court here where but the only way to get proof beyond reasonable doubt is to catch Xander in the act. But then again it has to be real not magic. And would Spike ever be really mended if he doesn't see the true weakness of Xander? Can't wait for more!
yep, it's a pretty dangerous plan...and it may not work out as they want it to...thanx for the review, love :)

01/19/2007 08:24 am
intense. poor spike. I really think they DO need the plan though. Despite everything, Buffy really does need ALL the scoobies but Xander on her side. There is no way in hell Anya or Willow would just "accept" spike's word on it, even if they like him.
you may be right...and though anya already said she knows he did it, willow certainly wouldn't accept it on spike's word...and if she found out about them kicking xander out, without actual evidence, she might go all evil!willow again...thanx for the review, love :)

01/19/2007 08:13 am
I think Dawn is right about the "superbitch" part of her mumblies. I'd like to slap Buffy right now. Nobody can outrun a bullet, not even a slayer.
too right, love :(

01/19/2007 08:01 am
Buffy is an idiot, Angel is rigth for the first time of his entire existence. Why don't they do a simple truth spell or glamour that will show angel or buffy like spike?
well, they could...but buffy's wantin rock solid evidence..magic could be deceptive...and remember, they've recently all had very bad experiences with magic ... thanx for the review, love :)

01/19/2007 07:44 am
Somehow I have the feeling that Spike is going to be hurt again, despite Buffy's reassurances. I mean, her plans do have a higher ratio of working out than Spike's but still, I've got a bad feeling about this. Of course, I'm also hoping the Big Bad will reappear when the confrontation happens. Either way, it's going to be a great read, cause I don't think you're capable of a bad read. Don't feel bad if you don't update soon, but just know I'm sitting here doing my "Scanners" impersonation until you do. I'll be patient, but only cause I really, really love this story!!
lol...i'll try to update today or tomorrow, actually...but i agree with you on this point: spike needs to do this for himself...he's not quite ready yet, but circumstances may force his hand...hope you enjoy the turn the story's about to take :)

01/19/2007 07:41 am
That poor tortured creature and Dawn's right This is all about what's good for Buffy and no one else. She still is as selfish as ever, and Spike doesn't need that kind of love, he really doesn't. He deserve's so much better. It may have started out all about Spike but along the way this became what Buffy want's and needs. Maybe Angel can take her down a peg or two. That just pisses me off. Thanks for reminding us that this is "Buffy" after all. Now, more torture for Spike. Great chapter, thanks.
yes, buffy is being buffy, isn't she? and the plan wont go too well, at least in the short run...thanx for a thoughtful review, love :)

01/19/2007 07:29 am
You are EVIL for ending it there!
But you KNOW that already don't you! I'm more than on the edge of my seat, I'm out of my seat standing on my roof jumping and screaming for more chapters!.....I'm going to get ARRESTED because of you! >__<
::gives candies:, that's quite a reaction...thanx, love, more soon :)

01/19/2007 07:14 am
Spike's not the only one that's worried. I am too!
with good reason,love :(

01/19/2007 07:11 am
Emotional frickin' blackmail, Buffy! Can't you tell what's best for Spike?! Angel and Dawn are right.....and this is so going to backfire. Xander's going to panic, and do something really rash, and this is all going to go belly up. I hate her right now, I really do. This isn't about Spike at all, and it damn well should be!
not really very fair of her, is it? it will probably not work out well, but in the end it just might be for the best :)