Meet the Pratts by Verity Watson
Chapter: Ch. 2: Millie's

03/01/2008 11:24 pm
got to admire someone who get The Fall and Generation X in samefic!! :)

01/30/2008 12:10 pm
Awww,that was sweet! Interesting conversations,loved it all.:)

06/23/2007 10:21 pm
oh but she'll be back, won't she?? :) great chapter, love :)

Pam S
05/08/2007 05:57 pm
Well, that was an introduction... I think most would leave after..
“Are you going to kill me?”

“Haven’t decided yet.”


02/06/2007 06:16 am
Well that went well didn't it! Kendra a slayer here as well and he still kills and people haven't tried to stop him? Maybe they tried and it didn't turn out well from them. This is wild. Like it a lot. Thanks for sharing and posting here.
I can't decide if anyone has tried to kill him or not ... glad you're enjoying.

02/05/2007 09:01 pm
Interesting that so many people know Spike's a vampire, and he doesn't have any hesitation about revealing it to more. Common sense would ahve Buffy staying away but something tells me that isn't going to happen. Loved his line about not knowing if he was going to kill her yet

02/05/2007 02:51 am
oh wow...he has a funny way of going about things, doesn't he? i wonder though, if gunn and willow knew he was a vampire, why they weren't a bit more insistent in their warnings...maybe somehow they know that he's really not that bad...??? hmmmm...just thinking out loud, and lookin forward to more, love :)
It's a nice point, DoS. Hadn't given it much thought. I can only say that had Gunn & Willow sat her down for a long talk, the story would be much shorter. LOL! Thanks for reviewing.

02/04/2007 09:15 pm
There's a whole lot of dialogue in this and not very much detail. I like the story, and I think I'd like it even more if I knew more about it.
Thanks - and I take your point about the lack of detail.

02/04/2007 08:27 pm
Haven't decided yet! LOL!
Yeah! Thanks for reading.

02/04/2007 08:23 pm
"Laughter." very good ending to a very good read. thank you.
Thanks ... more to come.

02/04/2007 06:08 pm
Great chapter, looking forward to read more.
Thanks. I'm uploading the next chapter for validation right now.

02/04/2007 05:36 pm
Ready, Steady,Go was also a music show in England in the 60s. I'm American but I do remember seeing clips of Cathy McGowan hosting shows with the Beatles distributed to Beatles fans.

Re your fic: Still can't figure out where you're going with this. Is Kendra the current slayer? Does Buffy have latent slayer ability?
Exactly! The song is about the show. "I'm not in love with Twiggy, 'cause I'm in love with Cathy McGowan." And so on. I like the idea of a character that has such rabid fans singing about BEING a fan.

To your questions about the plot: there are Slayers. Buffy won't find out anything about them in the next two chapters. For now, this is purely about the dynamic between Buffy & Spike, and my curiosity about whether Spike would still see something in Buffy if he hadn't gone off seeking the Chosen One. And I've always been curious about how Buffy would turn out if the basic outline of her life was the same, but untouched by vampires until she'd grown up.

Still, I'm not going for anything deep here ... and this might not be your thing if you're into, well, intricate plots.