Invite Me In by Spikez_tart
Chapter: I'm Not Leaving

02/27/2007 10:27 am
Go Buffy!! Quite the cool customer there. Nice resolution for Angel too!
Buffy can be smart sometimes - just not about sex. As we shall see...

02/24/2007 09:38 pm that neutered as in chip-neutered, or neutered as in neutered-neutered? either would be nice :P lol...great chapter, looking forward to seeing what comes next :)
I don't think I can tell quite yet. Maybe I'll let Angel find out for himself. Thanks.

02/24/2007 11:59 am
Good update!
Thanks hot.

02/24/2007 11:10 am
As she finally makes a choice, and acknowledges Spike's choice. In front of Spike. I'm wondering what she means by neuter? Eagerly awaiting the answer to that one.
I realized after I posted that I didn't make it exactly clear what Angel was going to be getting. Guess I'll have to tie that little loose end up. Thanks for reviewing.

02/24/2007 08:14 am
Nope, he deserves worse. He may not be able to bite anyone, but he can still recruit minons and they can kill them for him. He still is evil, if a soul hasn't done anything to him nothing will change him, but happy that he knows that she is having Spike's baby. Will he take over where Riley will leave off as their nemisis? Now to get them out of there and home. Thanks for another great chapter.
Thanks for giving me all those great ideas for the sequel. Too early for everybody to go home.

02/24/2007 06:03 am
ROFL, he is soooo stupid, and after all that human blood too. He still has room or druged blood. And really, hello, she just said he was to get chipped why would he drink the blood. Stupid Angel.

Poor Spike, he was about to dust, good thing Buy made it in time. Yay Buffy. And yay baby Spike. Can't wait for more. It's killing me wanting to know what Riley is up to. I know he's lerking off in the shadows some place.
He drank the blood because he's totally addicted and tasty blood calms him down - with or without drugs. Also, since Buffy's on to him, he doesn't have to pretend that he's being a good boy anymore. Riley wants to do something to get back in Maggie's good graces. I think I'll let him try. Thanks for reviewing.

02/24/2007 06:01 am
bahhaaaaa... stupid angel..

omg spike.. poor spike.. hurry buffy, get him out of there!!
All things in good time. Another hurdle or two to surrmount.

02/24/2007 04:58 am
Loved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey zombie. Thanks for reading.

02/24/2007 03:37 am
Ha! Wonder if it will be Riley who saves Angel from his well deserved fate?
Who says I'm going to let anyone save Angel??? Besides, Riley is going to be busy.

02/24/2007 01:06 am
So Angel's going to be neutered. Did she mean a chip in his head , the other way or both. He certainly needs to be fixed some way.
He does need something to bring him up short. Sanctimonious do-gooder.

02/24/2007 12:49 am
Sweating with the Extremely Oldies - snicker!

And oh, oh, oh how VERY fabulous to see Angel get his just due! Hate that whole soul card, and *love* that Spike proved himself stronger than his animal instincts.

Do I sense a happy ending? Here's hoping!
This is comedy. Happy ending guaranteed - at least until the sequel. Thsnks.