In Pieces by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Switch-a-roo

03/23/2007 01:45 am
just love that Buffy and Spike were kindof working on a friendship. And how about her giving him a warning of how she is ging to have to start acting in an effort to get back.
I'm really trying to make Buffy grow from this experience, we'll see how it goes

03/22/2007 11:21 pm
So Buffy has to act like Faith to get back into her body. How will the get Faith to act like Buffy? And what's up with Xander and MIA? Can't wait for more.
oh it'll all work out. Xander's just not there, my muse didn't want to write him yet, don't worry he makes an appearance in future chapters...but then Tara disappears, just the muse doesn't want to write her, it's very complicated.

03/22/2007 06:15 pm
Of course she could seduce Spike....that would be Faithlike *G*....Yup, perfect solution for everyone.

Loving this still. I think it is a hoot (and TOTALLY in character) that she is obsessing over the nose! Of all the things to be upset over it would be a vanity issue. LOL

Thanks so much!

03/22/2007 08:02 am
Wow, sanction to act slutty. Go Buffy! How on Earth are they going to force Faith to act like Buffy? That might be a little more problematic.
Yep that's the problem isn't it?

03/22/2007 05:28 am
That's a bloody revelation on her part! Spike's going to be glad once this is over, Faith always wants to get laid when she's finished slaying something and who is she currently patroling with? That was fun and I hope more fun is to be had, in the near future. Great chapter, thanks.
Thanks! And definately Buffy will have to deal with the whole Faith getting horny and hungry after patroling issue.

03/22/2007 02:53 am
I can't wait to see how 'acting like Faith' plays out. Almost more than that, I want to see Faith's side of this.
you will get to see Faith's side in the next couple of chapters

03/22/2007 02:24 am
loved the update. thank you. buffy's response to spike's last question is hilarious.
Glad you are enjoying!

03/22/2007 02:05 am
oooo, this is going to be fun.....
I certainly hope so!

03/22/2007 01:37 am
Why do I feel like this "acting like Faith" thing is going to lead to some naughty behavior with Spike? hehe what would make you think that???? *tries to be all innocent*

03/21/2007 10:13 pm
Oh I love it.
So Glad!