Finding William Pratt by Verity Watson
Chapter: Ch. 2: Angry Moon

09/23/2007 03:21 am
Imagine meeting Spike in a tatoo parlor in Pittsburgh-very detailed, too.
Oh dear, dead co-eds. Spike?
Yeah really ... I'd be pretty stunned if I did find a sexy vampire in a tattoo parlor in a rustbelt town. And sadly, yes, dead co-eds.

05/10/2007 03:05 am
very good read, thank you. love the hometown note.

05/09/2007 03:44 am
I always like your little details, hon, so it works for me.

And Spike's here.....and killing the girls, most likely. Having a good meal each night.
Thanks, Kim. And Spike isn't the kind of guy to go hungry, right? Or apologize for his place in the food chain ...

05/08/2007 11:46 pm
Loving it - especially the Pgh touches (not that I know anything about a tatoo parlor, but...)
Glad you're enjoying it! And so pleased that the Pgh touches are working. Sticking Spike in my old stomping grounds has been great fun.

05/08/2007 09:45 pm
Very nice. I was not expecting a sequel and found this while browsing. Very glad you decided to pick it up again.
Thanks, Dee. I wasn't expecting to write one. ;)

05/08/2007 08:35 pm
nice story, I am guessing it isn't Spike who kills those girls, but he'll somehow save her from the serial killer? Anyway great story, can't wait to read more.
Sour, that's a truly romantic notion, and I considered rewriting the entire story to make Spike a hero. But I should warn you ... this Spike is, at best, amoral. More S2 Spike than S5. Then again, maybe there's a whole other story in that idea. *VW spies the twitchy little pink nose of a plot bunny, leaves to give chase.* Thanks for reading & reviewing!

Pam S
05/08/2007 05:49 pm
Tatoo artist? I need to go read
Meet the Pratts...

Seeing what happens next..

05/08/2007 03:57 pm
Great chapter, looking forward to the meeting between Buffy and Spike.

05/08/2007 03:12 pm
Pretty cool that you're using real places!

I'm enjoying the story. I may have to go back and read the other one. Not because I'm not understanding this one, but because this is so good that I'm interested in the other now.