Torn by Smudgiboo
Chapter: Chapter 4

07/09/2010 03:55 pm

08/12/2007 05:20 am
Good twist - that would really create a problem for Spike = two Buffies both no doubt jealous as hell and fighting over him?

07/20/2007 08:21 am
I loved Buffy's reply to Xander's comment about Spike having some kind of weird obsession with her lol. Good job, Buf. In your teeth, Xander. Good I hated the scoobies in season 6. They were so selfish. Willow was so smug and Xander so incredibly annoying and mean. Great chapter. I love the chemistry between Buffy and Spike. Well done.

07/12/2007 01:44 am
Great twist on their conversation behind the store. This is going to be complicated. What are they going to do with two Buffy's. And this one likes our Spike. He has an unjaded Buffy, one that he has a chance with. "Torn" is just what he's going to be, between them, if they get the other one back. Great work, thanks.

06/30/2007 08:34 am
this fic is great...hurry and finish so I can read it!! hehe

06/11/2007 05:07 pm
This story is really going nicely - I have always had an issue with Willow, and think that you are capturing the characters so well! Can't wait for the next installment.

Best wishes, Cheryl

06/10/2007 07:39 am
I'm ready to smack both Xander and Willow on this one... could they be bigger jerks???

Great chapter btw!!!!! :)

06/09/2007 11:58 pm
never followed red's logic that buffy was in a hell dimension. "our buffy," red knows how to treat people. very good read, thanks.

06/09/2007 10:57 pm
So happy this Buffy can still see the truth before her. Xander and Willow won't manipulate her as easily this time. Dawn and she will be closer too since they are pretty much of an age. She'll need even more help than the regular Buffy though with all that responsibility on her 15/16 year old shoulders......she needs Giles and Spike badly and I hope she knows it!

Lovely update.


Curtis Gardner
06/09/2007 05:40 pm
I love how S1 Buffy called out Xander weird obsession with her to defend Spike. No one has ever done that before in fan fic's. I just can't wait for chapter 5.

06/09/2007 04:08 pm
gosh, willow, get a clue! she's just going to go screw things up worse now!!! and pull buffy out of heaven and all that...or maybe....maybe she won't, and older!buffy can stay in heaven, and younger buffy can stay with spike! there! :) problem solved..

oh wait...not my

please go on :)

06/09/2007 04:02 pm
I like how young Buffy really sees the Scoobies. Great update.

06/09/2007 01:25 pm
If Buffy were smart, she'd get rid of Willow and Xander and keep the rest of her friends. Then again, when has Buffy ever been smart? Excellent Scoobie characterization and good writing of a younger, less hard Buffy.

06/09/2007 11:29 am
Spike's always the one to tell her the truth, even if she won't wanna hear it. It's gonna be fun. S1 Buffy isn't as conditioned to let her friends rule her life as S6 Buffy was...

06/09/2007 06:49 am
"Our Buffy"!!! Oh my, I can see that Willow is going to mostly likely rejest the Buffy that they brought back as not 'their' Buffy. This has the potential to be really messy and involving a lot of screaming. Great story - thanks!

06/09/2007 04:38 am
oh good goddes, willow *smacks the stupid bitch*

06/09/2007 03:28 am
Uh oh, bet Willow's going to cause even more trouble. Love the tender moment between Buffy and Spike, very well done. Spike's never been around such an open and honest Buffy before, one that hasn't been completely jaded by a broken heart. Love it so far.

06/09/2007 02:39 am
Wonderful chapter! Keep up the amazing work!!

06/09/2007 02:04 am
Willow is teetering on the edge. That much power is far too dangerous nad unstable, and the redhead clearly shows she has control issues. It's cool to see Buffy's reaction to her friends, not having been around for the slow changes and subtle differences adn explaining away new prejudices and hates. Buffy has a more open outlook on who they are now, and I can see Spike being fair to the ones who treat him like dirt.
I can't wait to see shy Buffy reacting to someone loving her with everything they are, real love, not like Angel's infatuation or obsession with her on a pedestal. Spike doesn't have a soul but even his demon is caring and that makes him far more unique than a monster with a curse if you ask me! Next chapter having the Dawn-Spike family welcoming Buffy? Please? I have to read more!

06/09/2007 02:01 am
Oh no! That idiot Willow is going to try again. Which Buffy is Spike going to get to keep? Teen Buffy or Mature Buffy?

06/09/2007 01:03 am
Lovely Buffy and Spike interaction - but what's with Willow? I see badness.