Blood Red Moon by Gillypod
Chapter: Chapter 13

Sweet. :-)
05/14/2010 04:44 pm

01/27/2008 02:59 pm
That's the way to bring Giles down! That's the spirit!Way to go,and I love it.
Wannit good. Giles was a bad bad man in this fic - we just had to sort him out

06/25/2007 03:44 pm
Wow. that was intense. Loved Buffy standing up for Spike. Loved Spike taking Xander down a peg or 2. Spike's discussion with Giles was interesting - can't wait to see how that works out!
But I'm with Xander - don't get why they were all laughing about the D'Hoffryn comment. I'll have to think aobut it, I guess. :)
Hi BT_. Xander's bigotry, IMHO, stopped his character growing into something likeable. Pity that, but what a great personality for fanfic. If you wanna have a villain, there is always the Xand-man :D

06/25/2007 04:15 am
as always,love, a wonderful read. thank you. as often happens giles conclusions are based on misinformation. and then we have "brilliant" xander hitting a master vampire, that has killed two slayers, with his fist. shame spike didn't do more. loved it. thank again.
I would love for Spike to sort out Xander once and for all, and that might just happen in a fic of mine some day - hint hint

06/24/2007 10:46 pm
Game, set, and match!
Innit just Lou. I know I have made Giles a twat, but someone had to do it :D

06/24/2007 10:15 pm
hmmm....wonder who got giles believing that it was spike who killed his father...almost feel a bit of sympathy for the guy, but not quite...he's being so sadistic, so messed up about the whole thing...great chapter, love :)
Ah - but we like a bit of nasty in the men. I have put in a twist that might take me down leafy lanes, but I will pull it back. At least I hope so. Look out for the next chapter honey, it might be just the type of thing you like :D

06/24/2007 03:16 pm
loved this chapter! keep it up girl! :D
wonder what giles will do... hmm
really good work!
Why thank you kind maiden for your encouragement and the review. So many people read and say nothing - and I have to include myself in that - but to know that I can give pleasure to folks is worth all the toil.

06/24/2007 02:35 pm
Great chapter.
Thanks Inzey. The next chapter will be a bit gory I think, but we will get through it :D

06/24/2007 01:31 pm
I just love the rest of you chapter! Beautiful!
Why thank you for continuing to read and review. Us poor authors really really need it, especially when we feel down.

06/24/2007 05:02 am
Please forgive me, my dear Gilly, what a bad friend I am, to not congratulate you on your many and well deserved nominations. You were right to add this conversation to this chapter. Will we ever know who it was who gave that information to Giles? What a fantastic chapter. Just loved the little scene between Spike and Xander, it was a long time coming. Thanks for the update, sweetie. *hugs*
Hi Verda, my angel. Once the chip had gone I always thought Spike would go for the whelp - I know I would if it was me - but what the hey. Lots to come yet babes, lots to come

06/24/2007 04:46 am
ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! great chapter!! ok answer that GILES lol

great chapter!
Hi babes. Yep, I have to say if Giles was so against Spike, why did he not try and kill him before. Lots to work on there I think.

06/24/2007 01:18 am
Ya know, I actually would love for Spike to kill Xander. It would make my day oh so much brighter. 'She’s always been mine. LOVE IT!
I just had to put that line in. Spike always thought of Buffy as his IMHO, I was just letting the readers know it :D

06/24/2007 12:43 am
Oh that was too good, both Spike and Joyce called him out on his lie.

I wonder who really did kill his father, I don't know what I am feeling it was Angelus.
Thanks babes for taking the time to review. A lot will be explained very soon, but I like to keep my readers guessing a bit.