In Heat by NautiBitz
Chapter: Perfect Gentleman

06/09/2010 02:19 pm

10/30/2009 12:42 pm
Dr Spike, keeping watch over his deranged patient to make sure she doesn't hurt herself (help herself?) with some poor unsuspecting. Ah, now that's dedication above and beyond the call of duty!

10/13/2007 01:49 am
What a gent!

10/12/2007 04:43 am
Hornbaggy - LOL Great word. Poor Spike - a perfect gentleman. He'll never live that down.

10/10/2007 05:18 am
above and beyond the call, spike. fun read, thanks

10/09/2007 06:35 pm
Emphasis on the perfect. Poor Spike. Then again he has perfect fuel for a bit of wanking himself.
