Heart Don't Lie by NautiBitz
Chapter: All Or Nothing

10/13/2007 12:41 pm
Absolutely loved that chappie. After Buffy's reprimand to Willow about magic, you'd think she'd stop throwing spells around.

10/12/2007 04:41 am
and they were doing so well, then the last section. evil. not the section, the author. very good read, thank you.

10/11/2007 07:51 pm
How lovely it would have been if Buffy HAD known what was real on the show. Hence the need for fic like this one...catharsis! Excellent.

Glad you are reposting here because I followed this one as you wrote it and it's been a while so I am getting a refresher!


10/11/2007 03:10 am
Hee! in the midst of all the lovey-dovey stuff and Scooby-dissing, I'd almost forgotten that there were bad guys about!
Yeah, you don't really have to worry about them yet. I know I didn't. ;)