Heart Don't Lie by NautiBitz
Chapter: Good Cryptkeeping

06/10/2010 09:43 am

06/10/2010 09:18 am

10/31/2007 11:38 pm
Good chapter! My only complaint IMHO is the use of "baby daddy"...an unfortunate term used by low lifes. Guess I'm old fashioned that way.
Wow, I'm sorry the term is that offensive to you...

However, Buffy uses it jokingly here in reference to guests on Jerry Springer et al. Hence the earlier "Chicks going Springer on you" comment.

10/14/2007 11:00 pm
Love the banter between them in this chapter (was that added or did I miss it before, I admit it's been a long while since I read it the first time but I don't remember). Really nice give and take couply stuff. Sweet!

I can see her point about the crypt for the baby. Spike needs to reenter the human world if he's going to be a daddy...no way around it.

That was all there before, I think. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

10/14/2007 12:23 pm
Another stupendous chapter. Loved it.