Heart Don't Lie by NautiBitz
Chapter: Slaying For Two

10/26/2007 01:08 am
angel. i'm sure spike will be so thrilled. very good read, thank you.

10/18/2007 08:40 pm
Oh perfect! Angel....just the right person to mix in. (meant sarcastically at first). Actually he is since the baby needs three not human's to protect it. Assuming Buffy registers as human in spite of being a Slayer I wonder if Oz will be the third....hum....going to have to wait to see.

Glad Buffy had sense enough to "get it" about Tara in spite of calling Oz friend. I loved Oz too but Tara and Willow just were so sweet together. Then again I thought .... hum... threesome! Then they killed Tara (^&*^&%^^) and I kinda wanted Oz back for Willow instead of Kennedy because she didn't seem to really care about our Willow and then.......

Think I've got any emotional investment in any of these characters? LOL. I like my couples to LOVE! That's why I enjoy your stories, you get the love thing in. Nothing like love and passion for really hot story (or life).


10/18/2007 10:25 am
I swear you keep throwing these curve balls at me! I should've known....

10/18/2007 06:06 am
I really wish that I could reread it at this time...but with my full student status and insane teachers who think I have no life outside of school, that just isn't possible. Could you please let me know which chapters have major changes in them though? I could read small chunks ;) School work be damned...

10/18/2007 03:55 am
Meh! Just had to leave us with that cliffhanger, eh?? This story is sooo bloody brilliant! I love it!! :D
Not to worry, I won't be leaving you there for long. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :D

10/18/2007 03:46 am
Oh no, not Angel! Just when they were bickering so nicely. Loved the Spike busting up Buffy's date.
Ha. If it's bickering you like, that's nowhere near the end of it.

10/18/2007 03:40 am
KNEW he had to be the Third Warrior...
Usually I hold Riley in great disdain; however, I'm wondering if you will write characterize him as a better person.
And, hey, gotta love those babyfics--- anything with Spike as a Buffy-lovin' proud papa to be, all Sweet 'N Cuddly... just warms the cockles of yer heart.
Then, there's poor old Rupes... fella can't get a girl, or at least keep one (alive, that is...) not to mention, keep a regular lay around!
A Fascinating read...I know I've read bunches on your site...don't know how I missed this one?
Am waiting anxiously til the next chappie...
Hey K.! I never posted this complete on my site - that could be why you missed it. I've been posting roughs on an LJ community for the past year or so. (But I beg you not to go there to read the rest - still revising as I post here!)

The warriors may still surprise you. And I actually like Riley, so I don't bash him (or anyone, for that matter) in my fic. He does have a key role in this later on, and not a very pleasant one. Poor guy. Speaking of poor guys, I will tell you one thing: By the end of this series, Giles WILL get laid!

I'm working on getting the next chappie up by tomorrow. Thanks for the review. :D

10/18/2007 03:26 am

10/18/2007 02:23 am
I loved this story when I first read it years ago and it seeems even better this time around
Heh, well, I'm glad you think so -- it's been revised a million times since then. In fact, this chapter might even be new to you (I posted it rough on my LJ two years ago, but never on my site.) From here on in, everything should be new for you. Enjoy!