In Heat by NautiBitz
Chapter: Stand Back

11/19/2012 02:21 pm
Thank you. I will forevermore think of Riley as "Soldierblob".

06/09/2010 03:51 pm

10/22/2007 11:28 pm
Uh oh indeed! What a romp.

10/18/2007 08:08 pm
Such visuals! Spike as King Kong (perfect...the "monster" who can love desiring the "impossible" beauty...fitting). Jealous Buffy marching in after her man (and the clueless future lunch bimbo who didn't listen to Spike's warnings)and the army of Zuxugna on the beach.

Completely perfect. You even made Riley tollerable and that, my sweet, proves you to be a miracle worker extrodinaire!


10/18/2007 01:12 pm
Uo-oh? Understatement of the year, Spike!!