Heart Don't Lie by NautiBitz
Chapter: Fuzzy Details

10/26/2007 03:30 am
hilarious chapter, thank you.

10/20/2007 10:59 pm
oh. crap.

10/20/2007 06:51 pm
Slightly homoerotic...tee hee, that subtle slash undertone of Spangel. That shook them up!

Love Spike trying to get Angel to flash a bit of fang at Riley....wicked boy *G*.

Not good to have the police get involved. Neighbors can be a pain in the neck....or is that Spike?

They're so gay for each other. Gotta love that about them.

10/20/2007 01:57 pm
Ah poor Spike I so hope Buffy comes 'round soon and he gets to rub the Suffy loving in Angels giant forehead.
Trust Sunydale police to turn up in force for a minor transcretion. Get out and find some real crime, losers.
Hee hee.