Come Alive by NautiBitz
Chapter: Come Alive

10/30/2009 11:50 am
Wow. I can see it going down like that, a scene between.

02/17/2008 07:35 pm
Really impressive,loved it.

10/25/2007 03:35 am
definitely "one way to come alive." very good read, thank you.

10/23/2007 04:08 am
Sweet touch with the shoes and Buffy hanging her head upside down.

10/23/2007 12:31 am
Ah - another one that I remember fondly and have read more than once. Sweet and sexy and just that tinge of angst that makes it real. :)

10/22/2007 11:17 pm
Oh so erotic AND sweet...I love this one. You have as perfect a physical metaphor as the crashing house of Smashed (without the angsty next scene of Wrecked ... and was there EVER a more apt title than THAT?):

"She kicks off her shoes and one flies over the edge, tumbles down the cliff. She doesn't notice." The pre death Buffy and her noted shoe fetish would never have NOT would have stopped the show in fact. This is a girl with different priorities, she came back different. Then:"She shimmies on her pants, scanning the ground for her missing shoe. When it occurs to her that it's gone down, she sits, dangling her feet over the cliff's edge, and catapults the remaining shoe into the ocean." She deliberately lets the last of the old her go.

I have no idea if you meant for those portions to reflect anything like that but it SOOOO works! Love the idea of Buffy knowing she is different and her world is different and embracing that as she has Spike.

Love this.