In Pieces by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Movies with the ghost

10/25/2007 04:21 am
somewhere back riley's and angel's bloodlines must cross. what a pair. very good read, thank you.
Thanks for reading!

10/23/2007 02:46 pm
Great dialogue in this! I love it. Buffy's ex-s certainly need putting straight about a thing or two!
That they do!  Thanks for reading!

10/23/2007 06:36 am
God, I love when Spike and Angel get into! Ha! Can't wait for more!

10/23/2007 04:02 am
Well so maybe the spell is going to finally kick in. And right when Buffy was getting ready to leave LA. And when Faith seemed to really become a friend to Xander. Riley just never learns. Great chapter. I am glad that Anya is feeling wanted by someone.
Thanks for the review!

10/23/2007 03:52 am
OH I wonder why she passed out, and who will get to her first Spike or Angel.
yes, who will?

10/23/2007 02:47 am
Ah, the transformation is complete.
seems like

10/22/2007 11:47 pm
Rather like the idea of them communing with Dennis. LOL

Poor Anya, but she's was a matter of time.

I actually felt sorry for Xander in this chapter. He is having a terrible time dealing with the mess of his own devising. Wonder if he and Faith will connect once she's back in her own skin and all lesson having too.

Buffy is completely Buffylike at the end here so maybe the switch is about to finally reverse?!

Riley is a dick, but that is redundent.

Thanks for reading!